
Dr. Jesse Bazzul

Profile image for Jesse Bazzul
Subject Area Chair, Science & Environmental Education (ESCI)
Professor - Science & Environmental Education and Education Core Studies

Contact Info

Office: 306-585-4529
ED 336


PhD (2013), University of Toronto/OISE

M. Ed. (2006), University of Ottawa

B. Ed. (2001), University of Toronto/OISE

Hon. B. Sc. (2000), Brock University, Biological Sciences.

Research Interests

My research interests revolve around educational philosophy and theory, social and ecological justice, science studies, environmental education, and science education. My work addresses the need for looking at ethics in transdisciplinary ways in/though education. My current scholarship explores how ethics is the core of the discipline of education, and how educators might realize their ethical call to allow difference to emerge in the world.

Select Publications


Bazzul, J. (Forthcoming, 2022). An intense calling: how a multiplicitous ethics is the essence of education. University of Toronto Press.

Wallace, M., Bazzul, J., Higgins, M., Tolbert, S. (Eds.). 2021. Reimagining Science Education in the Anthropocene (Volume 1). New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan. [open access].

Bazzul J., Siry, C. (2019). Critical Voices in Science Education Research: Narratives of Academic Journeys. Springer Publishing. Dordrecht: Netherlands.

Bazzul J. (2016). Ethics and Science Education: How Subjectivity Matters. Springer Dordrecht: Netherlands.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Raveendran, A., Bazzul, J. (2021). Socialized medicine has always been political: COVID-19, Science and Biopower in India. Cultural Studies of Science Education. Online First.

Bazzul, J. (2020). Science education needs manifestos/A Educação em Ciências precisa de manifestos. Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, 37(3), 1020-1040. [English/Portuguese]

Bazzul, J. (2020). Solidarity with nonhumans as an ontological struggle. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-10.

Tolbert, S., & Bazzul, J. (2020). Aesthetics, string figures, and the politics of the visible in science and education. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 1-17.

Bazzul, J. (2019). Hyperobjects, Media, and Assemblages of Collective Living: Playing With Ontology as Environmental Education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 1-9


Book Chapters

Bazzul, J., Triggs, V. (Forthcoming, 2022). Malfunctioning Right in Our Backyards OR The strangeness of ecological awareness. In Petar Jandric and D. Ford (Eds.) Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures.

Tsing, A., Bazzul J. (2021). A Feral Atlas for the Anthropocene: An Interview with Anna L. Tsing. In M. Wallace, J. Bazzul, M. Higgins, S. Tolbert (Eds.). Reimagining science education in the Anthropocene (pp. 209-319).. Palgrave, USA.

Bazzul, J., & Sorensen, M. (2021). Guess What? Reality Is Already Queer! A Return to Environmental Education as Creative Ontologies. In J. Russell (Ed.), Queer Ecopedagogies (pp. 79-93). Springer, Cham.

Bazzul, J. (2020). Disturbance and Intensive Methodology in Capitalist Ruins. In M, Thomas., R. Bellingham’s. The Future of Qualitative Research: Innovative Methodologies. London,UK: Bloomsbury Press.

Higgins, M, Wallace, & Bazzul, J. (2018). Staying with the Trouble in Science Education: Towards Thinking with Nature. In C. Taylor’s Posthumanism and Higher Education: Reimagining Pedagogy, Practice and Research. London, UK: Routledge.