Job Board
Finding Job Opportunities
Looking for work related to your studies and interests? There is no one source of part-time, summer, or full-time jobs.
- Increase your employment opportunities by searching a variety of job databases.
- Directly contact employers of interest, introduce yourself and ask about opportunities.
- Keep checking job postings for companies and organizations of interest.
Student Employment Services
- UR Recreation Services- Part-time, Casual and Summer Jobs
- UR Students' Union- Job Listings (seasonal, part-time, full-time)
- UR Human Resources- Employment for Students, Staff and Faculty
- UR Jobs Board - URCareersLink – On and Off Campus Jobs
- UR Job Fairs
Alert! The above databases, organizations, businesses, services and information are provided for information purposes only. The Career Centre does not endorse any specific ones. You are responsible for researching and assessing opportunities and information to determine quality, safety and legitimacy for your purpose.