Major in Marketing

Marketing is a chess game. It is the point of contact where an organization meets its customers. It is where business opportunities are made sense of, where the creation of value is ‘designed in’. Marketing is about understanding the market, advancing competitive advantage, and out manoeuvring competitors. It is linked to imagination, innovation and leading the curve – connecting the present to the future. And, it is about creating a presence in the marketplace, a dynamic brand that communicates an organization’s central passion.

Who It’s For
The marketing major will be of interest to those who are both creative and analytical – those who are driven to understand both people and strategy. Future entrepreneurs working with limited assets to create the greatest possible impact. It will resonate with students who aspire to the refinement of corporate life yet need an outlet for their creative, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking. It will provide the foundation for a whole range of niche specializations as future business consultants. And, it is indispensable for those looking to advance their knowledge and skills to best impact the world through not-for-profit opportunities.

What It Looks Like
Beginning with a foundational class that merges theory and application, it builds through a dynamic course that integrates marketing challenges with strategy. From here, an array of specialized classes is offered that provide a depth of insight into nuanced topics such as global strategy, branding, consumer behavior, advertising, research, analytics, and the digital space. Courses use cases, computer simulations, and live local clients to develop real time experience in out-learning competitors and systems thinking. Courses continually evolve in our fast moving high-tech world – never static.

Careers in Marketing
Advertising Account Executive, Social Media Strategist, Marketing Coordinator, Brand Manager, Digital Marketer, Community Relations Coordinator, Sales Manager, Market Researcher, Event Planner, Corporate Communicator, Entrepreneur.

MARKETING Major (5 courses):


BUS 310   Strategic Marketing


BUS 312   Consumer Behaviour


BUS 413   Marketing Research

Choose 2

BUS 317   Digital Marketing

BUS 410   Advanced Marketing Strategy

BUS 414   Management of Promotion

BUS 415   International Marketing

BUS 416   Business to Business Marketing and Sales 

BUS 474   AA-ZZ Selected Topics in Marketing