RBC Woman Executive in Residence

The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) donated $375,000 to the Faculty of Business Administration in 2015 to help establish a new RBC Woman Executive in Residence Program (RBC WER).

The intent of the program is to create opportunities and provide initiatives accessible to students, faculty, and staff with a focus on women's entrepreneurship and the following objectives:

  • To engage and empower University of Regina women students to consider entrepreneurship as a future career path through experiential learning opportunities;
  • To equip University of Regina aspiring women entrepreneurs with the skills, knowledge and networks to lead successful entrepreneurial ventures;
  • To collaborate with Hill and Levene faculty, staff and external partners to foster and develop a spirit of entrepreneurship among women students;
  • To create awareness of the RBC Women in Residence initiative and Hill and Levene as a leader in women’s entrepreneurship regionally and nationally; and
  • To support and collaborate with the RBC Woman in Leadership Scholar.

Pat Youzwa served as the first RBC Woman Executive in Residence from July 2016 - June 2018. Val Sluth served as RBC Woman Executive in Residence from October 2018 - October 2022.

For more information on the RBC Woman Executive in Residence, please contact Hill.Levene.Schools@uregina.ca