
Current Students

 Welcome to the current student homepage for the Levene Graduate School of Business. 

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Book An Advising Session

Students enrolled in Masters degree or certificate programs who wish to discuss program-related questions such as course planning and course selection for upcoming semesters, please contact our Academic Advisor.

Book An Advisory Session

Raelynn Norbeck
Academic Advisor

Levene One Stop Shop

See all the resources available to you as a Levene student, including registration details, services and important dates all in one place in order to help you to have a successful journey!

Levene Graduate Courses

Course Outlines

Browse the current course outlines by class and semester

EMBA & MBA Courses

Explore the courses available to you in the EMBA and MBA programs

Graduate Courses

Explore all other graduate level courses available to you as a Levene student

Connect with Us

Ensure you are regularly checking your UofR Email to receive our weekly student newsletter on Wednesdays.

Follow our social media platforms to stay up to date on events and important information!

Resources and Information


In certain circumstances, students need to complete forms, with required signatures, which are then to be sent to various administrative centres on campus.


Learn about the variety of scholarships available to you here at the Levene Graduate School of Business

Refund Schedule by Class

Refund and Drop schedules vary for individual classes in each term.

Registration Regulations

View the regulations requirements to register for classes

Important Dates

View the University of Regina's Academic Calendar and Schedules


See the fee breakdown based on your program

Levene Graduate Students Association (LGSA)

The Levene Graduate Students Association (LGSA) serves all students in the Kenneth Levene Graduate School of Business by providing increased opportunities for students to:

  • Network with other students, business professionals and leaders in our community;
  • Attend professional development opportunities, such as conferences and case competitions; and,
  • Have fun at social events and faculty-student gatherings.

The LGSA is lead by an Executive team comprised of members from within the varying graduate degree programs.  If you would like more information on the LGSA or want to be more involved, reach out to the LGSA President at

Also, learn about the support you get in professional development, entrepreneurship, and innvoation with GATE.

Hill | Levene Business Collision Space

The Hill and Levene Business Collision Space is an inspirational space to generate entrepreneurial spirit and action across campus and in the community.
This space is perfect to:
  • Connect with like-minded peers and mentors from the community;
  • Work together on entrepreneurial projects;
  • Make a difference on our campus and beyond.

Convocation Information

If you are close to completing the requirements of your program, you should be thinking about Convocation. The Convocation ceremony at the University of Regina occurs twice a year – once in the spring and once in the fall. Convocation is the ceremony at which students receive their diplomas/degrees and are welcomed into the Convocation community in front of friends and family.

Convocation Deadlines

  • January 31st for Spring Convocation: If you complete all your program requirements by April 30th, you need to apply for convocation by January 31st prior to completion in April. You are then eligible to attend the Spring covocation in June.
  • July 31st for Fall Convocation: If you complete all your program requirements by August 31st, you need to apply for convocation by July 31st prior to completion in August. You are then eligible to attend the Spring covocation in June. 

See how you can Apply for Graduation.

Completed applications for Graduation should be submitted to the FGSR office in person, emailed to, faxed to 306-337-2444, or mailed to: 

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
110.2 North Residence
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, Saskatchewan   S4S 0A2

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why can't I register?

If this is the first time you are trying to register, ensure you are unconditionally accepted. If you have conditions stated on your acceptance letter, those must be fulfilled before you can gain access to UR Self Service to begin registration.

If you are unconditionally accepted see the instructions on how to register.

If you're still unable to register, please contact your Academic Advisor at

I can't log in to UR Self Service, why?

If this is the first time you are accessing UR Self-Service, click on the Help button near the top, right side of this page for more information.

If you have not yet changed your PIN, enter your birthdate in the following format: DDMMYY.

If this format does not work, use the following format: YYMMDD.

If you are still experiencing login difficulties, contact the Information Service Desk to have your PIN reset: 306-585-4685 or 

Please be prepared to present the appropriate University ID and confirmation of identity.

What courses should I choose for my next semester?

In order to determine the appropriate courses to choose, please download and keep a copy of your program outline from the Levene web page. Update the program outline with the courses you've already taken, if any.

Then check the Course Schedule page.

Cross check the courses being offered with the courses required for your program (on the program outline). Select the courses that fit into your program, giving priority to 'Core' courses. If no core course is being offered, or has available space, select pre-selected electives followed by open electives.

If in doubt, check with your Academic Advisor at

How do I register for my courses?
1. Log into UR Self-Service
2. Click on Registration at the main Student Services menu
3. Click on Add/Drop/Search for Classes
4. Select a Term
5. Select your subject (see note below) from the options provided and click on Class Search
6. A list of classes will appear. Click on View Sections
7. To register for classes, click on the check boxes for the course(s) you would like to select and click the Register button at the bottom of the page
You can confirm your registration by going through the following steps.
1. Go to Student Services again
2. Go to Registration
3. Go to either Confirmation of Enrolment or Detailed Class Schedule (Includes Exams) This will give you a record of your registrations to date.
Note: Students in the MADMIN, MHRM and Mcert program must select Graduate Business in subject to register for GBUS courses. MBA students must select Master Business Administration in subject to register for MBA courses.
What to do when I get a registration error?
If you recieve an error when trying to register to a course, it could be for multiple reasons. Visit the Registrar's Office website for information on what to do and the types of errors you may get.

MADMIN and MHRM students can not register for MBA courses and will receive an error if you are trying to do so. If you are a MADMIN or MHRM student and want to register for MBA classes, please reach out to 

MBA students who are willing to register for 700 level courses, will require an override to be able to register on UR self service. Please reach out to for the override.
What is a waitlist? How does it work??

With waitlist functionality, once enrollment for a class has reached its capacity, the waitlist will be activated.  This functionality is only available on specific course sections.

Students who attempt to register for a class that is full may put themselves on a waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis.

When an open seat becomes available, an e-mail will be sent to the Preferred E-mail Address of the student at the top of the waitlist. The preferred E-mail address is normally the University of Regina E-mail address unless a request was submitted to change to another E-mail address. Please note that this e-mail is the ONLY notification that students will receive regarding the availability of a seat in a waitlisted class. It is important that students check their preferred e-mail address on a regular basis. Students can check or change their preferred e-mail account in your UR Self-Service account under the 'Personal Information' tab.

If the waitlist notification email is sent prior to the first day of classes, the student will have 24 hours to register for the class. For the Fall and Winter terms, from 10:00 am on the first day of classes until the waitlists are deleted, the student will have 12 hours to register for the class. The student may either register through UR Self-Service or by requesting assistance from the student's academic office during office hours. Otherwise, after the time limit has expired, if the student did not register for the waitlisted class, the student will be removed from the waitlist, and the next student on the list will be notified.

The waitlist notification process moves students from the waitlist priority queue (WPQ) to the waitlist notification queue (WNQ). The notified student has an assigned deadline by which they must act on the available opening. During this period it may look like there is an opening, but the student at the top of the WPQ will not receive a notification until the deadline for the previously notified student passes or the student decides not to register. For example, if your waitlist position on UR Self-Service is 1, you are on the waitlist priority queue, not waitlist notification queue. Although you can see 1 seat available in the class, there is another student in the WNQ who has yet to act on his/her notification.

For compressed classes, the waitlist policy is slightly different.

Please see here for details about adding yourself to a waitlist

How to drop classes ?

Check if you are eligible for a refund while dropping classes. Here you will find refund dates and deadlines for the courses you have registered for

To withdraw/drop from classes

  1. Log into UR Self-Service
  2. Click on Registration at the main Student Services menu
  3. Click on Add/Drop/Search for Classes
  4. Select a Term
  5. Scroll down to Current Schedule
  6. Click on the drop down arrow and choose the available option to drop/withdraw
  7. Click on Submit Changes
What is GRST 800 AA? Am I required to take it and why?

GRST 800 AA is a no-cost, online introductory course on academic integrity that is compulsory for all incoming graduate students.  This course, which can be completed in less than an hour, is expected to be completed at your own pace by the end of your first semester.  Please ensure that you register for GRST 800AA along with your regular courses during your first registration period.

View GRST 800 AA registration instructions.

Need more information? View the Policy and Procedures.

How to get access to course materials?
Access to your course is typically available at the start of the semester. If the semester has already begun, access to your course will become available approximately 24 hours after enrollment. Access UR Courses.

UR courses is managed by your instructor, so please reach out to them directly if you have any issues accessing course material or if you have questions regarding assignments and exams. If you are unable to login to UR courses, contact IT support at 
When does my course start?
Course start and end dates are displayed on the course schedule webpage. If you are close to the class date and your course has not shown up on UR courses, feel free to reach out to your instructor to find out when the course will be set up.
What is good academic standing in master's programs?

All master's students are required to score a minimum of 70% on each course completed. Failure to score this minimum will result in your having to re-take this or another suitable course, as well as, academic probation or RTD (required to discontinue).

Students must be in good academic standing in order to be eligible for graduate scholarships and awards.

What is academic probation'?
If you fail one course by scoring less than 70%, you will be placed on academic probation. Your next semester of study is considered to be your Probationary Semester. You will be required to retake or substitute the course with another course and secure more than 70% in order to get off academic probation.
What is a RTD (Required to Discontinue)?

RTD due to Academic Reasons: Failing a second course when you are on probation will lead to your being RTD (required to discontinue). This means you have to discontinue your studies, usually for a period of one year (three semesters). You cannot take any classes during this period as you're not an active student. You're required to apply for reinstatement into the program after this period has elapsed. Reinstatement will be at the discretion of the Faculty and you must put forward a plan to completion (a written plan indicating how you intend to ensure successful completion of the program). A reinstatement fee will be assessed by FGSR and charged to your student account.

RTD due to Administrative Reasons: International students who do not register for a semester and domestic students who do not register for three consecutive semesters will be RTD. RTD also occurs when the program is not completed within the specified time limit. You can apply to be reinstated into the program after one semester and it will at the discretion of the Faculty to let you continue. A reinstatement fee will be assessed by FGSR and charged to your student account.

What is the time limit to complete a program?
A 30 credit hour master's degree program must be completed within 6 years of starting the program. While a 9 credit hour certificate program must be completed within 4 years of starting the program. Your time limit halts if you voluntarily withdraw or take a leave of absence from the program. Your time limit will continue once you reinstate and restart your studies.
Should I be registered Full time or Part-time?

If you are an international student, your visa requirement mandates that you be registered full-time for the duration of your program. See full time registration requirements below:

  • Minimum of 6 credit hours in Fall and Winter semesters
  • Minimum of 3 credit hours in Spring/Summer semester

If you are domestic student (Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident), you are not required to be registered full time. However, you're required to be registered for a minimum of one course every three semesters and to complete the program within the time limit. Failure to register at least once during every three semesters will result in your being RTD (see RTD above for details).

What are deferrals, withdrawals and leaves of absence?
Immigration related questions

Please direct all immigration/visa related questions to:

See more information on the UR International Webpage.

Payment related questions

Please direct all tuition payment related questions to:

Ensure you read the financial services FAQs, before sending an email.

Co-op related Questions

How do I get into the Co-op Program?

You're required to complete an application form available at the Advising and Career Centre. Please contact the Business Co-op Coordinator, Tamara Tucker at to begin discussions about your interest in pursuing Co-op.

Graduate Business students are required to complete a minimum of 4 courses with a minimum CGPA of 75% to be eligible for Co-op and be in good academic standing (not on academic probation). Please ensure these requirements are met before submitting a Co-op application. If you are accepted into the Co-op Program, your Co-op Coordinator will guide you through the next steps.

If you are an international student, you need to have applied for your work permit prior to applying to the Co-op program.  For more information on applying for a work permit, please see the UR International website.

What happens after I'm admitted for Co-op?
When admitted into Co-op, you are notified in writing by your Co-op Coordinator.  After that you have to complete an Entrance Meeting or Interview with a Coordinator at the Career Centre.  You will then have to attend compulsory workshops (on resumes, interviewing and the placement process), observe the pertinent schedules and deadlines, and begin applying for jobs or attend interviews. Once you're offered a job, you'll begin working.
How do I get a Co-op job?
Jobs are posted on the Career Centre's PlacePro Internet site. You apply for the jobs you want; employers shortlist and interview candidates, and the job may be offered to you. That cycle takes place three times per year for Co-op students.
Am I guaranteed a job each work term?
No, but if you are serious about your job search and willing to invest time and effort, you will likely find a position for each work term.
Where will I work?
The Co-op program is a national and international program with opportunities everywhere. You can broaden your horizons by working and living in a large city, or in a rural community, or maybe even overseas. About half of our jobs are in Regina, but we encourage you to be mobile. If you are willing to re-locate, your chances of securing a work term improve.
How will I be evaluated?
The employer evaluates your job performance. Levene GSB will evaluate the work term report you will prepare according to the guidelines. You have to get a passing grade from both parties. You will be submitting you co-op work term report to
Does the Co-op Program increase my chances of employment upon graduation?
Yes. Many Co-op students have permanent jobs lined up before they graduate, often with a previous Co-op employer, while others find permanent employment rapidly after graduation.
I'm an international student. Can I participate in the Co-op or Internship Program?

YES! However, international students are required to have a valid Co-op Work Permit to go on a work term. Due to lengthy processing times with Customs and Immigration Canada (CIC), International students must have applied for a permit at least two months prior to applying for Co-op. NO EXCEPTIONS!

It is recommended that students apply for their work permit 8 - 12 months prior to starting a work term to ensure that the permit arrives in time. For example, if you are planning on starting a work term in May, you should apply for your permit a year in advance, but no later than September of the year prior to starting your term. An Off-Campus work permit is not an acceptable work permit. They are two separate documents.

Please see UR International website for more information.

What does the Career Centre do for me?
Their goal is simple: to find career-related work opportunities so you can gain valuable work experience while going to school. The Career Centre is here for you before, during, and after your work term experience. You can contact them any time for more information. Your Co-op Coordinator is Tamara Tucker, who can be reached at
Process for registering in a Co-op course, GBUS or MBA 801/802/803
  1. Student Applies for Graduate Co-op.
  2. Student works with Career Office to find a Work Placement
    • Once the student has their application approved, they will work with their unit and the Career Education Office to find a placement.
  3. Approval of Work Term
    • Once the student has an offer of employment, the Career Education Office informs the student's academic unit and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research of the offer. 
    • The student registers in the relevant Co-operative education course
      • GBUS/MBA 801 for first co-op work term
      • GBUS/MBA 802 for second co-op work term
      • GBUS/MBA 803 for third co-op work term
      • Students can only do a maximum of three work terms
  4. Student Goes on Work Term
  5. Work term report and Assigning the Final Grade
    • At the end of the work term, you will complete a work term report which will be assessed and a final grade will be assigned. If the work term report was acceptable, it will be reflected in your transcript as a grade of C.
  6. Co-operative Education Designation
    • When the student applies to graduate, FGSR will check if the student has completed the courses required to earn a Co-operative Education Designation.  If so, the student will receive a "Co-operative Education" designation which will appear on the student's parchment and transcript.