A student walking down a hallway phone in hand.
Go far, together

Arts Student Opportunities

Arts Mentorship Program

The U of R Faculty of Arts Mentorship Program is a buddy program designed to help new student anxiety.

New Arts students will be paired with senior Arts students to help ease the transition to university; encourage engagement on and off campus, and strengthen academic, professional, and personable relationship skills along the way.

The Mentorship Program will initially match successful Mentee and Mentor candidates using thoughtful filtering with strong consideration given to interests, academic programs and personality survey answers. The Mentorship Program promises to prioritize student safety and success.

As a new student Mentee, you will get:
  • Extra help from your Mentor and Arts Student Services staff during your first year!
  • Meetups with your Mentor on a flexible schedule that you decide!
  • Real student perspective and advice about U of R life!
  • Built-in relationship boosts to help you make friends in student communities!
  • Maximize your experience at the U of R from the very start!
  • Invitations to special student events unique to just the Mentorship group!
  • Recognition for being in the program with a certificate!
As a senior student Mentor, you will get:
  • Leadership and coaching skills!
  • Networking opprotunities among student groups and staff!
  • Volunteering experience!
  • A letter of recommendation from the Associate Dean of Arts (Undergraduate)
  • Invitations to special student events unique to just the Mentorship group!
  • Recognition for being in the program with a certificate!
Program Requirements:


  1. Be in your first year in either your first or second term
  2. Be a current, active student with the Faculty of Arts - full time or part time


  1. Be in good academic standing (minimum 60.00% UGPA)
  2. Be a current, active student with the Faculty of Arts - full time or part time
  3. Completed a minimum 60 credit hours (3rd or 4th-year students)
  4. Be a program-seeking/declared student
Registration Instructions


Step One: Contact Arts Student Services via email or phone - give us your name and student number, and let us know you want to be a Mentee!

Step Two: We will send you a personality survey shortly after; fill it out then send it back to us.

Step Three: Wait. We review all candidates extremely carefully to make the best matches possible. Rest assured we will contact you before the start of the next semester.

***Important: There may be more Mentee applicants than there are Mentors available, therefore we cannot guarantee a spot for every new student.***


If you meet the above program requirements to be a Mentor, please send Arts Student Services an email with the following:

In your email message, give us your full name and student number and let us know you want to be a Mentor for the upcoming semester. Attached to this email we need:

  1. a Letter of Intent (approx. 1 page) to explain why you want to be a mentor to new students; be sure to include any relevant experience you may have.
  2. a Letter of Recommmendation from a professor/instructor on campus and/or employer.

We consider this email and its attachments as your full application to be a Mentor. Once we have it, we will review it carefully. Successful candidates will be sent a personality survey to be filled out and term-specific instructions.

Arts Internship Program

The Arts Internship program is a unique learning/working opportunity wherein student interns are matched with organizations that fit their career aspirations and studies. Students work up to eight hours per week for thirteen weeks, pay regular tuition fees, and receive three credit-hours toward their degree. Arts Internship participants gain practical work experience, networking contacts, and references with which to build their resumes.

What is an Arts Internship?
  • Internships are part-time, unpaid placements for students in the Faculty of Arts
  • Students pay regular tuition fees and receive 3-credit hours they can use for their degree
  • Interns work up to eight hours per week on designated projects for 13 weeks.
Why participate in an Arts internship?
  • An internship can help you clarify your long term career goals.
    It can help you identify what you want (and perhaps what you don't!) in a future workplace; an internship can help you determine whether or not a particular career is a good fit for you.

  • An internship can help you develop practical skills to add to your resume.
    You will receive hands-on training and develop professional and practical skills in the workplace - which can greatly contribute to your employability.

  • An internship can help you develop your professional network.
    Your Internship experience will help you build important contacts in the community, and develop and expand your networks with peers and professionals.

  • An internship can help you reflect on, and articulate your skills and experiences.
    Your Internship experience can help you make meaningful connections between your personal and academic strengths and your professional goals - you'll be better able to identify  skills and strengths and how they can contribute to future workplaces. 
How do I complete an Arts Internship?
  • Together with the community organization you are placed with and the CERC Community Director, you will develop a work plan for your internship.

  • If you are successfully matched, you will be enrolled in AWEI 300AA - Arts Work Exp. Internship. This is a pass/fail course. Throughout the semester your community partner will provide you with feedback, just as they would with any employee working for them. At the end of the semester the employer will evaluate your placement and and will notify the CERC Community Director that your progress warrants the University of Regina awarding you 3-credit hours toward your degree.
Who is eligible?
  • Interns must be able to commit up to eight hours per week during a 13-week semester, working for a community organization in the City of Regina;
  • Must have a declared major in a Faculty of Arts program (NOT including Health Studies, Human Justice or Journalism, because they have their own internship programs);
  • Must have completed 54 - 90 credit hours (negotiable) at the end of the semester in which you are applying, which MUST include at least 12 credit hours in your major;
  • Must have a satisfactory academic standing, with a program GPA of at least 70%
How do I apply?
  • Contact Community Coordinator Michelle LeMoal at
  • Include your resume and a statement explaining why you are interested in completing an Internship.
  • We will follow up with you to arrange an interview to determine your suitability for the program and discuss your options.
Tell me more on how my organization can be a community partner

The Arts Internship Program can help connect you with part-time, unpaid support for your community organization. University of Regina Arts students major in a broad range of Social Sciences and Humanities. These students bring a broad range of skills, talents and experiences to the work place.

How does the Arts Internship work?
  • Qualified Faculty of Arts undergraduate students are placed for part-time work within your organization
  • Students pay regular tuition but there is no fee for your organization
  • Your input helps ensure the best candidates are selected to work with your team
  • There are two placement cycles per year: September to December, and January to April
  • Internships are 13 weeks in length
  • Students work up to eight hours per week
Who is eligible to receive an intern placement?
  • First priority for internship placements will go to nonprofit community organizations
  • These organizations do not have the resources to hire students but are demonstrably committed to facilitating learning and career-building opportunities for interns
Why place an Arts intern in your organization?
  • You will gain a skilled and motivated student to support and enhance your organization's work in the community.
  • Students bring new perspectives, different experiences, enthusiasm and energy to your team.
  • Interns can provide additional support to special projects or events, or assist your team with new ideas or initiatives.
  • You'll gain valuable networking partnerships and advocates at the University of Regina, as program facilitators get to know your organization, and as students relay their experience with your organization.
  • You will have the opportunity to provide mentorship, training and guidance to the next generation of talent within your profession or area.
  • The Internship program could translate into a longer term recruitment opportunities for your organization.
Are you interested in learning more? Contact:

Michelle LeMoal
Phone: 306-585-4226