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  6. Laurie Sykes Tottenham

Laurie Sykes Tottenham

Profile image for Laurie Sykes Tottenham

Contact Info

Office: 306-585-4194
AH 338

Research Interests

  • neuropsychological basis of individual differences in cognitive and emotion processing, with particular emphasis on stress and sex hormone effects
  • functional lateralization
  • behavioural testing and salivary and urinary enzyme immunoassays (conducted on-site, to assess circulating hormone concentrations)

Representative Publications

Hatin, B., & Sykes Tottenham, L. (2016). The relationship between line bisection performance and emotion processing: Where do you draw the line? Laterality, 21,709-731. doi: 10.1080/1357650X.2015.1134564 (impact factor: 1.356; 1)

Hatin, B., & Sykes Tottenham, L. (2016). What’s in a line? Verbal, facial, and emotional influences on the line bisection task. Laterality, 21, 689-708. doi:10.1080/1357650X.2015.1134562 (impact factor: 1.356; 2)
Hatin, B., Sykes Tottenham, L., & Oriet, C. (2012). The relationship between collisions and pseudoneglect: Is it right? Cortex, 48(8), 997-1008. (5.128; 16)

Laboratory Facilities

Saliva collection and analysis facilities and shared large multi-room behavioural testing facility (CFI funded).