Graduate Student Study Space
Policy for the Allocation of Graduate Space
The Faculty of Arts has a limited number of study spaces available to graduate students. Arts graduate students are eligible and encouraged to apply, however preference will be given to first-year graduate students. Spaces will be allocated from 1 October – 15 August. This allows time to have the graduate rooms emptied and cleaned in preparation for the next academic year.
In order to be considered for a space, please submit the Graduate Student Space Allocation Form by 30 October. Forms received after this date will be placed on a wait list. The Dean of Arts Office (CL 426) will notify the successful applicants via email before the end of October.
Students will require a key FOB in order to enter their designated room. Successful applicants can visit the Dean of Arts Office (ClassroomBuilding 411) to receive their FOB and carrel key (if applicable). Please note that a $20.00 deposit fee will be applied to student accounts once FOB and key have been issued. FOBS and keys must be returned by 15 August or as soon as a student no longer requires the use of their space, whichever occurs first. Once the FOB and key have been returned, the Dean’s Office will refund the deposit.
A student wishing to retain their current space must submit a Graduate Student Space Allocation Form (below) requesting continued use of the space for the next academic year by 30 April. Please include your room and carrel information when completing your request.
Assigned Space
Assigned study spaces are located in:
- AH 319
- CL 222
- CL 344
Unfortunately, space is not guaranteed to all who apply. Attempts will be made to house students from the same department in the same graduate room, but graduate rooms are not department-exclusive.
Students must resubmit the Graduate Student Space Allocation Form every year. However, there is no guarantee that students will receive a carrel, or remain in the same carrel. If a student does NOT resubmit the form by 30 April, the Faculty of Arts will assume the student no longer requires their space. If a reapplication form has not been received, any possessions remaining in the carrel after the 15 August allocation deadline will be disposed of. It would be greatly appreciated if you could clean out your individual study space before returning your FOB and key.
Graduate rooms are meant to be used as quiet study spaces. If group work is necessary, please respect your fellow graduate students and use one of the designated TA rooms or book one of the student lounges (see below).
TA rooms are located in:
- AH 326
- CL 323
- CL 330
Students who wish to move to a different study carrel must also resubmit the Graduate Student Space Allocation Form.
Please do not keep perishable food items in your study carrel.
Deposits and Fees
- Students will be issued a FOB in order to access their designated graduate room. FOBS are set to expire on 15 August following the year they were issued.
- Students who have successfully applied for space will have a $20.00 charge applied to their student account once they retrieve their FOB and key. This charge is to cover the cost of the FOB, and to place a deposit on the carrel key. Once a student returns their FOB and key, they will receive a $10.00 refund from the Dean of Arts Office.
- Prior to 1 September 2019, students were required to pay a cash deposit of $25.00 in order to receive keys. These students will be grandfathered into the new process, meaning they will still receive their $25.00 deposit upon returning their keys to the Dean of Arts Office.
- If keys are lost, stolen, or can otherwise not be returned, students must inform the Dean of Arts Office and will forfeit their deposit.
Other Available Student Spaces
Student lounges are located in AH 419 and CL 318.
Study Space Application Form
Please complete the form below to request on-campus study space. Your request will be reviewed by the Dean of Arts Office and you will be contacted shortly!
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