Seniors’ University Group
The seed for the Seniors’ University Group (SUG) was planted in the spring of 1977 when a group of seniors asked the University of Regina to offer non-credit courses for seniors. The University agreed, and that summer a modest four courses were offered.
Over the years, that seed grew, and the roots – those individuals committed to seniors’ learning and community – have proven robust. Today, SUG is an independent organization which presents courses of varying lengths and focus for those aged 50+. Our courses offer something for everyone, from Social Studies to Wine Tasting, and more. SUG hosts free events like Wellness Wednesdays and Trivia Quizzes. We even organize tours to local places of interest.
Now, the University supports SUG through the gift of space for courses, special events, and celebrations.
The gift you are considering will also support these activities for seniors. You will be helping them learn, participate and celebrate. Your gift will enrich their lives. Thank you!
Employees of the University of Regina can also make a gift via payroll deduction or their APEA fund.
If you would like to speak directly to a member of our Philanthropy team to explore options for support, please call 306-585-4024 or send an email to UR.Giving@uregina.ca.
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