Five seated UofR students
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Area of Greatest Need

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  4. Area of Greatest Need

Our university is rooted in the belief that we reach our greatest potential when we work together. This fall we’re raising much-needed funds in support of our students and researchers through scholarships, bursaries, equipment purchases, travel grants so they can go on to make a difference in our communities and beyond — and your support is key to making these goals a reality.

If you would like to talk to a member of our team about exploring opportunities to support the University of Regina, please contact Barb Kuzyk via email at or phone 306-585-5310.

Employees of the University of Regina can also make a gift via payroll deduction or their APEA fund.



The University of Regina respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative requirements. We do not sell, rent or exchange our donor information with anyone. The information you provide will be used to keep you informed about our services, special events, fundraising programs, and other activities through periodic contact. If you do not wish your name to be used, please contact us and we will gladly accommodate your request.

Privacy matters are governed by the University of Regina’s privacy policy. Please see GOV-060-005 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy for more details.

Contact Us

University Advancement

Phone: 306-585-4024