2024 Donor Impact Report
Your Student Impact

President's Message
Celebrating a 50-year-strong tradition of giving
Dear friends of the University of Regina,
I am pleased to present our Donor Impact Report for the fiscal year May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024, and announce that its release coincides with the University of Regina’s 50th anniversary of becoming an independent, degree-granting institution.
As I reflect on our institution’s existence over the past five decades as the University of Regina – and more than 90,000 graduates (and counting) later! – I recognize how this milestone was reached in large part through the strength of our philanthropic community. This distinguished and diverse group – comprising alumni, faculty and staff, friends, and community partners – plays a critical role in making post-secondary education accessible, developing career-ready graduates, and building a bright future in Saskatchewan and beyond.
Donor Stories
2024 Honour Rolls
Our Donor Honour Roll is more than just a list of names – it’s our way of publicly celebrating and expressing our gratitude for this special group’s generosity. Some have made a gift of $1,000 or more in the last fiscal year (May 1, 2023 – April 30, 2024), affirming their commitment to making our students and community feel acknowledged and valued. Additionally, there are those who have let us know they’ve included a long-reaching gift to the University of Regina in their estate plans, as a means to envision a better future beyond their lifetime. Furthermore, we recognize donors who give regularly to provide a predictable and steady stream of revenue we can depend on every month to help us plan ahead.
Regardless of which category our donors fall into, their shared trust in supporting the excellence of our institution and the potential of our students inspires others to follow suit, and leads us down the path to a better world for all of us.
The Chancellor's Community

Are you ready to be part of something extraordinary?
The Chancellor’s Community is your opportunity to make a real impact. By joining, you’re not just supporting education, you’re shaping the future.
- Transform the lives of talented U of R students through education.
- Empower the next generation of leaders.
- Enjoy exclusive networking opportunities that expand your horizons.
Meet our 2024-2025 recipients
Vision, Mission, and Values
Vision Statement
The University of Regina seeks to reflect the world in which we want to live – a world that values empowered citizens, generates high-impact scholarship, and embraces Canada’s diversity.
Mission Statement
The University of Regina’s vocation is to explore unanswered questions. We provide high-quality and accessible education, influential research, creative endeavours, and meaningful scholarly experiences in pursuit of local and global contributions to knowledge. Investigation of and reflection upon varied intellectual pursuits is fundamental and we engage our students in these pursuits, seeking to instill in them a lifelong quest for knowledge and understanding.
Mutual Respect, Integrity, and Honesty
Our treatment of each other is principled, open, transparent, and respectful. We are a safe, healthy, and supportive community that prioritizes the well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and community partners.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
We are committed to creating and promoting equitable systems that foster diversity and inclusion for students, faculty, and staff. Through our adoption of a mainstreaming approach to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), all people - including women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, visible minority groups, and members of LGBTQ2S+ communities - are integral members of our community.
Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being
We are committed to Truth and Reconciliation. We aspire to walk together in a good way and strengthen our relationships which are based on mutual respect and accountability. Ongoing and emerging activities will be accountable to future generations.
Communities and Social Responsibility
We employ our expertise to serve each other, the environment, and society. We nurture our reciprocal relationships with our communities by being committed to vibrancy, inclusivity, and demonstrating social, environmental, and economic responsibility.