Faculty of Business
Application Information
If you have previously attended another recognized college, university, or technical institute, you are considered a college/university transfer student. Post-secondary transfer admission averages are calculated using the Admissions Grade Point Average (AGPA). The AGPA is calculated by combining recognized academic post-secondary courses and attempted U of R courses.
Official college/university transcripts must be sent directly from the post-secondary institution(s) to Enrolment Services at the U of R. We accept mailed and e-mailed transcripts sent directly from the issuing institution(s). We also accept electronic transcripts delivered via vendors authorized by the sending institution such as Parchment, Digitary (MyCreds), National Student Clearinghouse, and others. Finally, we accept transcripts from online verification portals that have secure log in portals such as International Baccalaureate and Cambridge Exams.
Official high school transcripts may also be required to determine that you have completed the relevant pre-requisites. If your high school studies were completed in Canada, you can find information on how to order official transcripts from your home province here. Official transcripts must come to the University of Regina directly from the issuing institution (Ministry of Education, school board office, etc.) in your province.
All documents that are supplied in support of applications for admission become the property of the University of Regina and will not be forwarded to another institution.
English Language Proficiency
The language of instruction at the University of Regina is English. All applicants to the University of Regina must therefore demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency in the English language. Find information on English language proficiency requirements here.
Post-Secondary Admission Requirements
Applicants who have attempted 15 credit hours or more of approved post-secondary education must have a minimum AGPA of 65% on the most recent 30 credit hours of post-secondary courses attempted.
Internal Transfer (Current or Returning University of Regina students) who have attempted 15 credit hours or more at the U of R must have a minimum UGPA of 65% on their U of R courses.
Applicants must also have completed the required high school admission courses or post-secondary equivalents, as below:
High School Admission Course Requirement | Post-Secondary Course Equivalents | University of Regina Course Equivalents |
English Language Arts A30 and B30 | Any language arts or communications course completed at a recognized post-secondary institution | Any ENGL XXX course, ACAD 100, RDWT 120, KIN 101, or BUS/ADMN 205 |
Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30 | Any mathematics course completed at a recognized post-secondary institution | Any MATH XXX course or PMTH 092 |
Two 30-level courses from the areas of Sciences, Languages, Business and Management, or Social Studies | Two courses in Arts, Science, or Business completed at a recognized post-secondary institution | Two courses in Arts, Science, or Business |
In cases where the total of attempted post-secondary credit hours is less than 15, applicants will be assessed for admission on the basis of high school admission requirements.
Note: If applicants do not have an AGPA of 65% on the last 30 credit hours of post-secondary courses attempted, we will look at their entire post-secondary record.
Additional Information for Business
For approved post-secondary equivalents from other institutions, please use the Transfer Credit Database to search course equivalencies.
Application and Document Deadlines
For information on how to submit official documents, visit our Approved Documents page
Application deadlines:
Fall term – August 15
Winter term – December 15
Spring/summer term – One week before the start of classes
Final official transcript deadlines:
Fall term – August 15
Winter term – January 1
Spring/summer term – May 1
Final official transcript deadlines for those admitted conditionally:
Fall term - September 30
Winter term - January 31
Spring/summer term - May 31
Petitioning student deadlines:
Fall term – July 1
Winter term – November 1
Spring/summer term – March 1
Deadline for off-campus students* – last day to add courses without permission in all terms
*Off-campus students are students taking courses through regional colleges or the First Nations University of Canada Prince Albert and Saskatoon campuses