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  4. Applying for a Concurrent Program

Applying for a Concurrent Program

Check out our step-by-step guide that walks you through the application process for applying for a concurrent program.
1. Create an account

Screenshot 1Go to:

Click on "Log in", or click on "Create an Account" if you have not used the new application portal yet.

2. Start a new application

Screenshot 2Click on "Start New Application".

3. Create an application

Screenshot 3Click on Undergraduate Application, then on "Create Application".

4. Enter your personal information

Screenshot 4Complete the "Personal Information" section.

Click on "Yes" if you are already a UofR Student.

Continue to fill out the rest of the Personal Information page, then click "Save and Continue".

5. Enter your previous education information
Screenshot 5On the "Previous Education" page:
  • Select "I am currently attending or have previously attended a post-secondary institution (university/college)".
  • "Have you ever attended the University of Regina?" - Select "Yes".
  • Select "I am studying at the U of R and wanting to add a concurrent (secondary) program".

The last question is asking if you have attended any other post-seconday institutions other than the U of R after having started at the U of R. Choose the appropriate response.

Click "Save and Continue".

6. Verify your admit type

Screenshot 6On the "Admit Type" page, click on "I am confirming my admit type of Concurrent (Seconday) Program".

Click "Save and Continue".

7. Select your program

Screenshot 7On the "Select Your Program" page, select the program type you would like to add as the Concurrent Program.

Select the desired Program of Study.

Select the University of Regina or a Federated College.

Answer the Regional College question.

Leave the second choice program blank.

Select a term.

Click "Save and Continue".

8. Select your proxy decision

Screenshot 8On the "Proxy Information" page, answer the question if you wish to assign a proxy or not.

Click on "Save and Continue".

9. Sign the application

Screenshot 9On the "Signature" page, type your name and click "Confirm".

10. Submit your application

Screenshot 10On the "Review" page, click on "Submit Application".

Your application will then be completed!