Faculty and Staff FAQ
The University of Regina is obligated by human rights legislation to provide reasonable accommodations to students on the basis of disbility, religion, gender identity, and family status, up to the point of undue hardship. The Duty to Accommodate protects students from discrimination and set guidelines and standards for educational institutions.
See the Canadian Human Rights Commission for more information.
I received an Accommodation Letter, but the student has not been in contact with me to discuss their needs for my course.
Students are expected to be active participants in the accommodation process. However, there are things you can do to foster communication with your students:
- Include the suggested syllabus statement in your course outline.
- Make a general announcement in class encouraging students to contact you regarding their accommodation needs and concerns.
- E-mail the student directly to initiate the conversation.
- Inform students that their accommodation needs and discussions with you will be kept private. If you need to release information to others assisting with the accommodation process, please inform the student.
Why do I receive some accommodation letters at the start of the term, and others at various points throughout the term?
Although most accommodation letters are sent out before or at the start of the term, you may receive some throughout the term for various reasons. All students registered Student Accessibility must request their accommodation letters through Accommodate before they can be sent to instructors. Students are reminded to submit their accommodation letter requests early; however, these may come in at any point in the term. In addition, students may contact us with issues throughout the year, which can require implementation of a new or revised accommodation plan. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, so any accommodation letters received after the start of the course are only to be implemented from that date forward.
What if I have a student who is consistently absent or not engaging with the course but requires accommodations.
Generally speaking, all students are expected to regularly attend and participate in class. Accommodations are not meant to provide advantages or ease academic requirements; they are meant to help level the playing field for students with diverse learning needs. A student may have a medical condition which causes occassional absences due to appointments or illness; however, this will generally be noted on the student's accommodation letter. The student maintains responsibility for following course policies and making up all missed work. Students are encouraged to inform instructors of absences as early as possible, and missed exams may require a medical note. Any work not completed by the last day of the term may require a deferral. If you have further questions or concerns about implementing accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility.
If you encounter a student who discloses a disability or who you suspect may benefit from the assistance of Student Accessibility, please suggest that they make an appointment with an Accessibility Officer. It is up to the student to then follow up with our office, should they so choose.
Do students have to provide documentation of their disability in order to be authorized for accommodations?
Yes. Students with disabilities, whether temporary or permanent, must provide appropriate documentation verifying their disability and related needs for university in order to receive approved accommodations.
No. The student is only obligated to declare their disability to the University through Student Accessibility (if they want to access accommodations). Once they have done so, that information is considered private and confidential. Some students may choose to discuss the nature of their disability with you; however, it is never appropriate to ask for that information.
Any concerns you have regarding accommodations and academic integrity should be discussed with Student Accessibility as well as your Department Head, Associate Dean, or Dean as appropriate. Student Accessibility may provide assistance in determining ways to accommodate a student's needs while still ensuring that academic integrity is respected and maintained.