Students processing film in a lab
Master's Degree Program

Film Production (MFA)

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Film Production Program (research and exhibition)

The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Film Production is a 42-credit hour program designed for advanced studies in Media Arts Production. Students can work in dramatic, documentary, animation and experimental cinema and media, through a range of artistic, aesthetic, technical and theoretical approaches. Courses offer a combination of general and specialized study in Film and Media Arts production. An intensive investigation of critical issues in Film and Media Arts theory will develop the student’s abilities in cultural and artistic discourse at an advanced level and will contribute to the shaping of sophisticated and versatile graduates from this program.

Film Production Meet Your Faculty

Quick Facts

Program: Film Production (MFA)
Length: 2 years
Offered Through: University of Regina
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Why Study Film Production at the University of Regina?

The Department of Film is dedicated to teaching film and digital media in an interdisciplinary environment. Through our commitment to quality education, we shape dynamic graduates by exposing students to a wide range of learning experiences and practices in production and studies.

The MFA in Film Production is taught by faculty members who are actively engaged in creative and scholarly projects.

Film Production Frequently Asked Questions

What are the admission requirements?

Candidates for the MFA program must hold a BFA degree in Film/Media Production or a related field. The applicant must submit a proposal (three to five pages) stating clearly the degree to be obtained and describing the intended focus of study. The proposal should provide a synopsis of the primary MFA Research Project, (a film/media project of any genre) and the critical context for its undertaking. The applicant must provide a portfolio of their previous creative work in film/media via a secure online link. The online application form is available from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) website.

The following will be taken into consideration:

  • Quality of the intended focus of study
  • Artistic merit of the support material – details must be provided about the applicant's role in the support material (writer, director, producer, editor, etc)
  • Undergraduate academic record of achievement (minimum GPA of 75%)
  • Professional/Independent production experience
  • Ability of the student to succeed at an advanced level
  • Reference letters
  • Willingness of the faculty to supervise

Applicants must meet all the requirements listed under Application Procedures on the FGSR website.
Application deadline here.
For English Language Requirements please click here.

What are some of the courses that MFA Film Production students take?

FILM 804 Critical Investigations in Film

This courses focuses on theoretical approaches to cinema and new media from aesthetic, cultural, anthropological, psychological and sociological viewpoints. It provides an understanding of the interrelationship between film/film-making and reality, other media arts, and the audience. Topics include Post-Colonialism, Art/Film Installation, Expanded Cinema, Narrative Theory, Arab/African Cinema, Censorship, Propaganda/Surveillance, Psychoanalysis. 

MAP 800 Seminar in Theory and Methods

Seminar exploring and questioning the history, theory and aesthetics of Media, Art, and Performance, and the diverse and shifting conceptions of Media, Art, and Performance disciplines in relation to other social and cultural forms.

FILM 830 Production Studio

It isn'tThis course brings together all students in the MFA Media Production program to work independently and collaboratively on creative aspects of media production.

FILM 820AA-ZZ Topics in Film Production

Selected topics in Film Production.

FILM 902 - Research Project

Research supporting media production resulting in the writing of the comprehensive critical engagement paper of 25-30 pages, preparation and public presentation of graduating media production project.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes! Once you have been accepted as a fully-qualified graduate student with no conditions or holds on your admission, then you are eligible to apply for our scholarships, awards, graduate teaching assistant positions, or research assistantships.

All Graduate Funding Opportunities

Visit our Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research website to learn about all graduate funding opportunities including:

  • National Scholarships (including Tri Council funding)
  • Awards to Study Abroad
  • FGSR Funding/Special Awards
  • Funding for Indigenous Students
  • Funding for International Students
  • Other Awards and Scholarships
  • External Scholarship Opportunities
  • External Student and Faculty Awards
What clubs, campus events, and networking opportunities can students participate in as part of this program?
  • Living Skies Student Film Festival
  • MAP Presentation Series
  • DRS Doctoral Research Showcase
  • Music ensembles
  • Humanities Research Institute events, seminars and conferences
  • Art for Lunch
  • 5th Parallel Gallery activities
  • Theatre Productions
  • Living Heritage Speaking Series
  • Conferences and symposia on contemporary themes organized by faculty.

What Can You Do With a Film Production Degree?

Graduates have gone on to award-winning careers across Canada and internationally. They work as independent filmmakers and producers, directors, screenwriters, editors, and cinematographers in series television and on national and international fiction, documentary and animation productions. Our graduates have careers as festival programmers, researchers, archivists and educators.
  • Filmmaker
  • Film editor
  • Scriptwriter
  • University professor
  • University instructor
  • Film programmger
  • Film curator
  • Cultural policy-maker
Campus taken from across a lake

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