group of students sitting
Certificate Program

Nursing Readiness

Offered through the Centre for Continuing Education, the Nursing Readiness certificate is a pathway for students who would like to pursue nursing but may not currently meet admission requirements to the Faculty of Nursing. This program is also an option for those who want to try out nursing before committing to a degree. Students in this program can take introductory courses before being admitted to the Faculty of Nursing.

Our certificate programs provide ways for learners to get a start in university if they’ve never attended or have been away for a long time. They are also a way to re-skill or upskill, to augment their resumes, to achieve a credential in a shorter amount of time, or to transition into a degree program.

This certificate program consists of six courses. Note that completion of this certificate does not guarantee admission into the Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (SCBScN) or the After Degree Nursing program.

Quick Facts

Program: Nursing Readiness Certificate
Length: 1-2 years
Offered Through: University of Regina
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Why Study Nursing Readiness at the University of Regina?

Students take the Nursing Readiness certificate in order to:

For students who are successfully admitted to the SCBScN program, all courses in the Nursing Readiness certificate would be credited to the SCBScN program.

Nursing Readiness Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the courses that Nursing Readiness certificate students take?

INHS 100 - Introduction to Indigenous Health Studies I

This course is an introduction to health science emphasizing Indigenous perspectives. Topics: history of health and health care, theories of health, personal health, consumerism, interpreting health information and statistics, health careers.

BIOL 110/KIN 261 – Human Anatomy & Physiology I

An introduction to the anatomy and normal functioning of the human body. The course takes a holistic approach to understanding and integrating anatomy and physiology.

BIOL 222 – Microbiology for Health Professionals

An introduction to fundamental concepts in microbiology. This course covers bacteria, viruses, and eukaryotes, with emphasis on clinically relevant pathogens as well as the beneficial microbial communities that support human health.

STAT 100 - Elementary Statistics for Applications

An introduction to statistical methods; descriptive statistics; the normal distribution; basic techniques of statistical inference; confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for population means and proportions; simple linear regression; and one-way analysis of variance.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes! We offer the following scholarships for our certificate students:

  • Centre for Continuing Education Certificate Awards
Use our online Student Awards Management System (SAMS) to find other awards and scholarships for which you may be eligible. There are also scholarships available through professional associations.

Required Courses

BIOL 222 Microbiology for Health Professionals
BIOL 110
KIN 261*
Human Anatomy & Physiology l

Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 111
KIN 262*
Human Anatomy & Physiology ll

Human Anatomy and Physiology II
ENGL 100 Critical Reading and Writing I
INHS 100 Introduction to Indigenous Health Studies I
STAT 100 Elementary Statistics for Applications
*Note: KIN 260, 267, and 268 may be substituted for BIOL 110 or KIN 261, and BIOL 111 or KIN 262. A minimum grade of 60.00% is required in KIN 267 and 268.
U of R

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