Women's and Gender Studies
Imagine providing insight on the women's rights movement or working as a case manager helping to improve life situations for young women. These are just a couple exciting examples of potential careers with the women's and gender studies program. Women and gender studies is an interdisciplinary program that provides both social science and humanities perspectives. Explore the contribution women have made to history, politics and society, learn about feminist theories and methods, learn about gender, race and class issues, develop critical reading, writing and thinking skills and learn how to analyze complex social and cultural issues.
Sample courses
- The practice of feminist research: Power and inequality
- Women, the Environment and Change
- Feminisms: Theories and knowledge
- Gender and Science
- Women, motherhood, and mothering
- Indigenous feminism
- Sexualities: Theories and practices
Career Opportunities
Graduates seek careers in Human Resources, Justice, Journalism, Laws, Policy Analysis, Community-based organizations such as the YWCA, and Healthcare.
Quick Facts