Bachelor's Degree Program
If you enjoy discovering how previous generations made decisions about great issues of their time, then history is for you. History student study the many different nations, peoples and cultures of the past from political, economic, social, cultural, and gender perspectives. A history degree will help you understand how civilizations have evolved and developed, and why we have the societies we do today.
Sample Courses
- Issues in World History
- Canada From Confederation to World War I
- The Powerful versus the Poor: The Evolution of Modern Britain
- Modern Dragons: Revolutionary China and Japan
- Gender and the Body in Early Modern Europe
- Women in Canadian History
History graduates find careers in teaching, law, government and non-profit sector, cultural institutions, banking, and foreign service. A History degree is the basis for an excellent liberal arts education and it will open doors to an exciting and fulfilling career.
Quick Facts
Bachelor of Arts in History
Bachelor of Arts Honours in History
4 years
Offered Through:
University of Regina
Campion College
First Nations University of Canada
Luther College
Faculty of Arts

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