November 2015
While visiting the Poole lab at the University of Oxford, Ben applied the Rhizobium-adapted INSeq method he developed during his M.Sc. to attempt to elucidate genetic fitness determinants for the colonization of the pea spermosphere.
Read More…October 2015
Dr. Yost, Ade, and Claire took a trip out to Halifax for a workshop with collaborators.

Read More…September 2015
Claire Freeman joins our lab this month as a new master's student. She completed her bachelor's at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO and will be working on the recently funded NSERC funded project that aims to evaluate how wastewater treatment plant environments contribute to the emerging threat of antibiotic resistance.
June 2015
The University of Regina hosted the Canadian Society of Microbiologists' 65th Annual Conference this week. The conference spanned 3 days and featured talks and poster sessions around the themes of applied & environmental microbiology, infection & immunity, and molecular genetics & cellular microbiology.

Information about the event can be found on the following social media sites:
May 2015
Congratulations to Kara for successfully defending her PhD research on rhizobium. She will be starting as a postdoctoral researcher in July at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS with our collaborators Dr. Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen and Dr. Rob Jamieson.
May 2015
Adeyinka Ajayi recently joined our lab as a PhD student. He joins us from Greenwich, England, where he received his masters. He will be conducting research on plasmid transmission dynamics in wastewater treatment plants.
Andrian Janes is also starting in our lab as a summer student this month. He will be with us through August and will be conducting a survey of pathogens found on produce from the Regina Farmer's Market.
March 2015
Congratulations to Benjamin Perry, who successfully defended his masters research on rhizobium