Glacial Landforms
Erosional landforms
Ice sheets
- ice scoured basins
- the Great lakes and millions of other lakes basins on the Canadian shield and other glaciated shields
- roche mountonnees
- "rock sheep", bedrock ridges striated and polished on the stoss (up-glacier) side and plucked on the lee side where meltwater produced on the stoss side refroze to the lee side of the ridge
- meltwater valleys
- large wide valleys eroded by meltwater draining along the ice margin or spillways draining glacial lakes (e.g. all the major valleys of the southern Canadian Interior Plains)
Mountain glaciers
- cirque
- bowl-shaped rock cavity, where alpine glaciers form and then retreat to and persist; commonly have small lakes called tarns
- arete
- narrow ridge between glacial cirques and troughs
- horn
- pyramidal peak faceted by glaciation on all sides
- hanging valley
- tributary valley that hangs above the trunk valley, i.e. the floors of the two valley are a t different elevation and separated by a cliff (and thus usually waterfalls)
- glacial trough
- the U-shaped valley created when a valley glacier, usually by modifying a pre-glacial fluvial (V-shaped) valley
- truncated spur
- the ends of interfluves truncated by valley glaciation
Glacial deposits
glacial drift
all sediment transported by glaciers or glacial meltwater
- till
- unsorted, unstratified drift deposited directly from glacier ice
- ice-contact stratified drift
- deposited or modified by meltwater in contact with or close proximity to ice; some sorting and stratification but large variation in particle size and sedimentary structure
- outwash
- glacial-fluvial sediments washed out from the margin of the ice with more sorting than with ice-contact drift
- glacio-lacturine sediments
- clays and silts deposited in lakes near or on glaciers
- glacio-marine sediments
- sediment rained down or ice rafted onto continental shelves from a floating glacier
- glacio-tectonic drifto
- frozen or saturated drift and/or bedrock folded and faulted by the force of a glacier
Depositional landforms
collective term for landforms of direct glacial origin
- classification of depositional landforms
- morphology
- orientation relative to the ice front
- origin
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