Lab Director
Dr. Heather Price - Associate Professor
Dr. Price completed her PhD in Law and Psychology at Simon Fraser University. She then worked with Dr. Peter Ornstein at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Dr. Kim Roberts at Wilfrid Laurier University in concurrent post docs. She has been on faculty at the University of Regina since 2007. Dr. Price's research focuses on psychology's intersection with the legal system. She is particularly interested in issues related to child witnesses, including children's memory, investigative interviewing of children, and evaluations of children's credibility.
Email Dr. Price
Universtiy of Regina, Psychology Deptartment
Our labs are located on the University of Regina campus, Regina, Saskatchewan.
Click here for the University of Regina website
Current Students
Jasmin Dhillon - PhD Clinical Psychology
Jasmin began her studies in 2009 and currently is in her second year of the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. Jasmin's research interests include examining variables that influence perceptions of witness credibility. Particularly, she is interested in the role of stereotypes in perceptions of child witness credibility in cases of child abuse.
Representative Research
Dhillon, J., & Price, H. L. (2012, March). Socioeconomic status and jurors’ perceptions of child witness credibility. Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.
Dhillon, J., Delparte, C. A., Price, H. L., Connolly, D. A., & Gordon, H. M. (2010, March). Judicial consideration of complainant conduct after sexual assault in historic child sexual abuse cases. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Email Jasmin
Ryan Fitzgerald - PhD Experimental and Applied Psychology
Ryan is a Doctoral student in the Experimental and Applied Psychology
program. His research investigates cognitive processes that occur in
forensic contexts. He is particularly interested in factors that
influence face recognition. Factors such as change blindness and
intentional forgetting were studied in previous investigations. He is
currently examining the role of lineup composition on eyewitness
identification outcomes. Ryan is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (CGS D).
Representative Research
Fitzgerald, R. J., Price, H. L., & Connolly, D. A. (2012). Anxious and non-anxious children's face identification. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26, 585-593.
Fitzgerald, R. J., Oriet, C., & Price, H. L. (2011). Change detection inflates confidence on a subsequent recognition task. Memory, 19, 879-890.
Email Ryan
Natalie Therrien - MA Experimental & Applied Psychology
Natalie is a second year MA student in Experimental and Applied Psychology, having completed her BA (Hons) at Carleton University. Her research interests focus primarily on the eyewitness identification accuracy and the forensic interviewing of children. Her current research endeavours include improving children’s eyewitness accuracy using practice lineups, as well as projects exploring the impact of suspect-to-foil similarity on children and young adolescents’ identification accuracy. She is also a recipient of the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship Master’s Scholarship.
Representative Research
Therrien, N.M., Fitzgerald, R.J., & Price, H.L. (May 2012) Taming the "wild" in wildcard lineups: Unbiased lineups erase the benefits of choosing not to choose. Presented at NOWCAM's 13th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Therrien, N.M., Fitzgerald, R.J., & Price, H.L. (June 2012). Effects of similarity between lineup members on children's eyewitness identification accuracy. Presented at the Canadian Society of Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science’s 22nd Annual Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Therrien, N.M., Price, H.L., Roberts, K.P., & Reiser, S.J. (August 2012). Predicting forensic interviewers’ adherence to training. Presented at 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Email Natalie
Brittany Whiting - MA Experimental and Applied Psychology
Brittany completed her BA (Hons) at the University of Regina and is now a second year MA student in the Experimental and Applied Psychology program.
She has been working in the CHLD lab as a Research Assistant since the winter semester of 2009. Brittany’s research interests are currently focused
on evaluating best practice methods in investigative interviews with children. She is also interested in the perceived credibility of child eyewitnesses.
She is a recipient of an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, a CPA Certificate of Academic Excellence, as well as a SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Master’s Scholarship.
Representative Research
Whiting, B. F., & Oriet, C. (2011). Rapid averaging? Not so fast! Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 484–489. doi:10.3758/s13423-011-0071-3
Whiting, B. F., Price, H. L., & Roberts, K. P. (2012, May). Young children’s informativeness and ‘don’t know’ responses in investigative interviews. Poster presented at the Meeting of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Whiting, B. F., Dhillon, J., Price, H. L., & Roberts, K. P. (2012, May). Description of a child’s relative maturity influences her perceived credibility. Poster presented at the Meeting of North West Cognition and Memory, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Email Brittany
Connie Heidt - Undergraduate BA Honours
Connie is completing the last year of her bachelor’s degree in the Department of Psychology’s Honours program under the supervisor of Drs.
Heather Price and Katherine Arbuthnott. Her honours project, which is examining the Enhanced Cognitive Interview, learning distribution, and
motivation, will commence in the fall. Following convocation, Connie is hoping to begin graduate school.
Email Connie