Student Alumni

Kirby Maquire - Undergraduate BA Honours (Summer 2012)/NSERC USRA Student (Winter 2012)

Kirby Maguire is currently an Honours student and research assistant in the CHLD Lab. Research interests include the topic of his undergraduate thesis, "The influence of warning instructions on perceived credibility," along with other forensic interviewing techniques, psycholinguistics, psychopathy, offender recidivism, and the broad domains of eyewitness memory and testimony. Having completed an Honours degree in Philosophy, the intersection of that discipline with psychology through the histories and theoretical motivations of various movements in the field is also of interest.

Representative Research

Maguire, K., & Price, H. (May 2012). The influence of opposition instructions on perceived credibility. Paper presented at the North-West Cognition and Memory (NOWCAM) conference at Simon Fraser University – Vancouver, BC.

Universtiy of Regina, Psychology Deptartment

Our labs are located on the University of Regina campus, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Click here for the University of Regina website

Danielle Pieracci (Honours 2010), Bryan Austin (Honours 2008), Andrea Collins (Honours 2008), Luke Schneider (Directed Study 2008).


Brad Sunshine - NSERC USRA Student (Summer 2012)

Brad is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with Honours as well as minors in both French and Sociology. Brad has been a volunteer research assistant with Dr. Heather Price's lab since the winter 2012 semester. Since then he has continued working with the lab under an NSERC USRA award (Summer 2012). Next year, Brad will study for one year in the province of Québec and then return to Regina to complete his BA Honours in hopes to continue his education through graduate school.

Caitlin Hunter - NSERC USRA Student (Summer 2012)

Caitlin is a fifth year student working towards a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with Honours as well as a Bachelor of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology. She joined Heather Price’s lab in the spring of 2012 after receiving her second NSERC USRA. Throughout the summer she helped with numerous on-going projects in the lab including facilitating a study researching various aspects of eyewitness testimony and alibi statements. She was also involved in a study looking at investigative interviews with children in which she performed magic for children.

Research Assistant Alumni

Connie Heidt, Kirby Maquire, Brad Sunshine, Caitlin Hunter, Dallas Novakowski, Jill Price, Josh Gonzolas, Sarah Sangster, Sarah Reiser, Nikolina Vracar, Rachelle Jeworski, Cori Carey, Kristen Gullickson, Megan Adams Lebell, Kelcie Novak, Christina Drost, Shahlo Mustafaeva, Ashley Marchi.