
  • June 20, 2024, CRWRRL thanks our signature partner Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Corporation (BPWTC) for donating a complete GC system! .

  • May 12, 2024, CRWRRL welcomes our new members, Rebecca Buss from Germany and Heyun Yang from China! .

  • April 30, 2024, Our research on transforming water treatment residual (WTR) has been covered by the leading environmental magazine in Canada, Environmental Science & Engineering .

  • April 17, 2024, It was our pleasure to be invited to the amazing UofR Chancellor's Community Dinner and Engineering Showcase Event.

  • Mar 10, 2024, Jinkai has been invited to visit and give seminars at multiple universities in China lately. Thanks to these host universities, including Tongji University, Hohai University, and Donghua University.

  • Jan 01, 2024, Our research has been covered by multiple mainstream media outlets lately. Thanks to, CBC, Global News Regina , and Regina Leader Post .

  • Dec 13, 2023, Jinkai performed an invited presentation over zoom at Tarim University, China.

  • Nov 02, 2023, Jinkai performed an invited presentation at the 5th IWA Resource Recovery Conference in Shenzhen, China.

  • Oct 31, 2023, Jinkai performed an invited presentation at Southern University of Science & Technology, China.

  • Aug 25, 2023, CRWRRL welcome our new group members, USRA Cole Steiner, PhD student Tara Hatami, and MASc student Parnian Mojahednia. Tara won the UofR FGSR Women in STEM Scholarship!

  • Aug 10, 2023, Jinkai delivered a oral presentation on the upcycling of water treatment residual at the 2023 PEOPLE NETWORK Conference in Montreal.

  • Aug 09, 2023, Our research on water treatment residual valorization is featured as a cover story in the University of Rgeina Discourse Research Magazine !

  • July 01, 2023, I am thrilled and humbled that i am tenured and promoted to Associate Professor!

  • Jun 12, 2023, CRWRRL welcomes our first ever postdoc Dr. Bin Wang!

  • May 25, 2023, CRWRRL team member Jian and our capstone team Ariana and Meissa attended the 2023 CSCE Annual Conference! Moncton has great oysters and lobsters!

  • May 16, 2023, CRWRRL welcome two new members, Tahnee Vizuet and Rajeev Kumar! They are Mitacs Globalink Research Interns.

  • May 05, 2023, CRWRRL is honored to host the NSERC President Dr. Alejandro Adem's visit!

  • May 04, 2023, CRWRRL welcomes our newest team member Rifat Rahman!

  • May 03, 2023, My Capstone group has been awarded the 2023 RCE-SK Education for Sustainable Development Recognition Award. Congratulations to Duha Abdullah, Jayden Pederson, Reid Balkwill, and Henry Zhao! Hardwork pays off.

  • May 01, 2023, CRWRRL is pleased to facilitate a roundtable discussion between the SK Ministry of Environment leaders and experts and researchers from various disciplines at the University of Regina.

  • April 01, 2023, CRWRRL students Jianfei Chen won the UofR FGSR Asia Pacific Studies Scholarship. Congrats, Jianfei.

  • March 15, 2023, Glad to share that I have been awarded with the Outstanding Member of Youth Editorial Board of 2022 of Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering.

  • Mar 05, 2023, Glad to share that our review paper on contiuous flow aerobic granular sludge has been published in Science of the Total Environment . Congratulations to Hesam and Jianfei.

  • Feb 27, 2023: We were glad to host a group of eight experts from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture visiting our Cold-Region Water Resource Recovery Laboratory (CRWRRL) at the University of Regina. They were representatives from the Agriculture Research Branch, Value-Added Unit, Livestock Branch, and Policy Branch. We shared with our guests our exciting, relevant, ongoing and future projects that can be interesting to the Ministry, and Dr. Harsha Marambe shared with us the collaboration and funding opportunities through the Ministry as well as the water related research challenges in the agriculture sector of Saskatchewan. Many members from the Ministry provided us with their insights. It was exciting to meet some familiar faces/names as well as to know some new people after the pandemic. Water is essential. Our CRWRRL will be a positive factor to the sustainable growth of the agriculture sector in Saskatchewan. Our thanks go to Drs. Harsha Marambe and Barb Ziesman for making this meeting happen. Our thanks also go to all the experts from the Ministry; they were Dr. Gideon Olaleye, Dr. Ikenna Mbakwe, Ayo Oyewo, Kyle Ulmer, Bryce Sundbo, Jason Penner, and Shannon Friesen. Your being interest is encouraging. My thanks go to my graduate students, Jianfei Chen, Maryam Izadpanah, Parisa Moharrami, Linda Zhang, Syed Hesam-Aldin Samaei, and Razia Hasan. Photo

  • Feb 10, 2023: Thrilled to share that our collaborative project with the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Corporation has been approved by NSERC for the NSERC Alliance grant!

  • Jan 18, 2023: It was such a pleasure and honor to have a team of experts from the #saskatchewan Water Security Agency led by their Vice President Thon Phommavong visit CRWRRL. Water is essential to the sustainable development of Saskatchewan. The WSA has been playing a critical role in guiding and ensuring the sustainable management of the valuable water resources in this province. We are looking forward to working with the WSA in promoting water innovation and sustainability in the province. Photo

  • Jan 5, 2023: CRWRRL's newest students, Razia Hasan and Maryam Izadpanah, just started their M.A.Sc. programs with us. Welcome, Razia and Maryam!

  • Dec 15, 2022: It was our great pleasure to host the University of Regina President Jeff Keshen and Faculty of Engineering Dean Phillip Choi visiting our CRWRRL. Photo

  • Nov 23, 2022: It was our great pleasure to host the City of Regina's Environmental Services team led by Ms. Shelley Wellman visiting our newly renovated CRWRRL. Through the NSERC Alliance program, we have been working very closely with the City of Regina on emerging pollutants (such as microplastics) in wastewater and next-generation wastewater treatment technologies for the Canadian prairies in the context of climate change. Our partnership will help with science- and evidence-based decision making and promote sustainable development. The City of Regina's Environmental Services team has such a diverse, dynamic, and knowledgeable cohort of enthusiasts for sustainability. We are so proud that our city led by Mayor Sandra Masters is endeavouring to take a lead in clean technologies and sustainable development. I am also very happy to see so many University of Regina alumni (some of them were my students) with the City of Regina are contributing to the protection of the wellbeing of our environment and people.

  • Oct 30, 2022: CRWRRL MASc student Jianfei Chen and Ph.D. student Seyed Hesam-Aldin Samaei once again won the Saskatchewan Innovation and Excellence Graduate Scholarship! MASc student Saeid Sajedipour won the UofR FGSR Thesis-Only Scholarship! Congratulations, Jianfei, Hesam, and Saeid!

  • August 28, 2022: Our newest graduate students, Parisa Moharrami and Saeid Sajedipour, made their way to Regina! Welcome!

  • August 20, 2022: Three years after I joined the University of Regina, my lab is finally fully functional! It has been tough for everyone in the pandemic. My thanks go to everyone who made this happen.

  • July 07 29, 2022: Our collaborative research on PFAS has been approved by NSERC for the NSERC Alliance International Catalyst Grant.

  • June 29, 2022: Jinkai poster-presented our work on microplastics in drinking water treatment at the 2022 AEESP Research and Education Conference, Washington University at St. Louis, US.

  • June 27, 2022: Jinkai was recognized by CAPEES with the 2022 CAPEES Distinguished Service Award.

  • May 26, 2022: Jinkai delivered a presentation on our studies on microplastics at the 2022 CSCE Conference in Whistler, BC.

  • May 25, 2022: Thrilled to share that our projects with the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant has been approved by Mitacs. Many thanks to all the anonymous reviewers.

  • May 04, 2022: Our work is recognized! A capstone project supervised by Jinkai has been awarded by RCE SK the 2022 RCE-SK Education for Sustainable Development Recognition Award! The project done by Badi Haghighi, Johhannes Mutyanda, Mark Hellman, and Shourya Singh was "Solar-Driven Mobile Water Treatment System for Agricultural Dugout Water." A much needed effort to promote the sustainability and competence of the livestock sector in Western Canada and even the off-main communities in this country. ( Photo )

  • May 01, 2022: Thrilled to share that our project on aircraft de-icing fluid wastewater treatment has been approved by Mitacs. Many thanks to all the anonymous reviewers. Thanks to our partner, the Regina Airport Authority.

  • April 27, 2022: My M.Eng. student Mohannad Elsalhy has successfully completed his M.Eng. project presentation. Congratulations, Mohannad!

  • Apr 15, 2022: Thrilled to share that our project on developing a household-scale wastewater treatment and reuse has been approved by Mitacs. Many thanks to all the anonymous reviewers. All of them made very positive comments on our proposal. The project has two partners, NACO Technology Inc. and Buffalo Pound Eco Lodge.

  • Feb 15, 2022: I am honored and humbled to be selected as an Early Career Editorial Board Member of the Elsevier journal Results in Engineering. Looking forward to contributing to the growing success of the journal.

  • Jan 10, 2022: I am honored and humbled to be selected as a Young Editorial Board Member of the journal Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (FESE). Looking forward to contributing to the growing success of the journal.

  • Dec 31, 2021: I am thrilled to hear from the Elsevier journal Results in Engineering that I have been selected as one of the global recipients of the Results in Engineering Young Investigator Award 2022 (RINE YI Award 2022)! Thanks to the selection committee, nominator, and referees!

  • Nov 25, 2021: CRWRRL has been awarded the CFI-JELF grant for some state-of-the-art laboratory instruments! Many thanks to our anonymous reviewers for their strong comments!

  • Oct 26, 2021: CRWRRL MASc student Jianfei Chen and Ph.D. student Seyed Hesam-Aldin Samaei just won the Saskatchewan Innovation and Excellence Graduate Scholarship! Jianfei's research is focused on sustainable landfill leachate management in cold regions, and Hesam is working on membrane bioreactors for psychrophilic wastewater treatment and reuse. Congratulations, Jianfei and Hesam! Way to go!

  • Oct 20, 2021: Our review paper on microplastics in drinking water treatment has been accepted and finally published in Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering ! Thanks to our co-authors, anonymous reviewers, funding agencies, and the journal!

  • September 29, 2021: Jinkai delivered an invited talk in the Department of Geology at the University of Regina. The talk was on biological treatment processes for sustainable wastewater management within the circular economy framework.

  • September 24, 2021: Jinkai presented on future-ready water resource recovery technologies for municipalities and smaller communities at the Engineering Water Systems a Virtual Symposium hosted by the Faculty of Engineering.

  • September 04, 2021: Our M.A.Sc. student Jianfei Chen won the President Donald O. Wells Medal in Engineering! Congratulations, Jianfei! Well deserved! Way to go!

  • August 21, 2021: We had our first group BBQ in the Ketapwa Point Provincial Park! The only sunny day in this rainy season. What an excitement to see everyone in person for the first time ever after so many zoom meetings! ( Photo )

  • August 13, 2021: CRWRRL is growing! We have our newest group member: Mr. Benchi Zhang! Welcome, Benchi!

  • August 05, 2021: CRWRRL is growing! We have our newest group member in the lab: Ms. Tejaswini Singh, a Mitacs Globalink Internship Student from India. Welcome, Tejaswini!

  • May 31, 2021: Our NSERC Alliance project has been approved! Thanks to our valued partners, the City of Regina and QuantWave Technologies.

  • May 01, 2021: CRWRRL is growing! We have our newest group members in the lab: Samaei Seyed Hesam-Aldin and Jianfei Chen! Welcome, Hesam, and Jianfei!

  • April 26, 2021: Our work on microplastics in drinking water treatment has been accepted by the Chemical Engineering Journal . Thanks to all my colleagues, the journal and its anonymous reviewers.

  • Jan 01, 2021: LCRWRR is grateful to receive a donated gas-chromatography analyzer. Thanks to our valued industry partner the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Corporation (BWTPC).

  • Dec 04, 2020: Our collaborative work on novel stainless steel-based conductive membrane and membrane fouling mechanisms have recently been published by the Journal of Membrane Science.

  • Sep 18, 2020: Afruza won a Mitacs Research Training Award (RTA)! Congratulations, Afruza! Way to go.

  • Jul 21, 2020: Happy to share with you that Jinkai has been awarded the University of Regina President's Seed Grant. Highly grateful to our faculty and the selection committee.

  • Apr 23, 2020: Thrilled by the exciting news from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)! Just won my very first major grant, the NSERC Discovery Grant. A milestone in my academic career at the University of Regina. Very grateful to NSERC. Very grateful to those individuals who gave me invaluable advice and help. Thanks to all the anonymous internal and external reviewers for their nice and strong comments. Will do my best to deliver solid engineering solutions and train HQP for the society.

  • Nov 05, 2019: Water safety is vitally important to everyone. I explained to the public how lead in drinking water impacts human health in media interviews, e.g., CTV News.

  • Oct 29, 2019: I strive to create a group environment of equity, diversity, and inclusivity, which is safe, healthy, and productive. To improve my awareness of workplace respect, I participated in a training and earned a certificate, i.e., Respect in the Workplace Certificate