Theoretical Research
Modern theoretical physics can be described in terms of two fundamental theories of Nature, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity. While quantum mechanics concerns itself with the description of structures at the subatomic and atomic length scales in the absence of gravity, Einstein’s general relativity theory accurately describes gravitational interactions on astrophysical and cosmological length scales, with the prediction of black holes, neutron stars, and other related structures to exist within the Universe. While modern particle physics is best described in terms of quantum field theory within the Standard Model, general relativity is fundamentally a geometric theory that describes gravity in terms of space-time curvature due to the presence of matter.
Despite numerous creative efforts over decades to unify these two descriptions of Nature into a viable quantum theory of gravity, a definitive achievement of this goal still proves to be elusive. The theoretical research conducted at the University of Regina is primarily directed towards better understanding the intersection between quantum mechanics and general relativity under conditions where potential observational insights can be attained. Under suitable conditions, realization of observable consequences due to this intersection may provide valuable direction for guiding more fundamental research towards determining quantum gravity in the future. Besides this focus area, the theorists at the University of Regina are interested in various topics in classical general relativity and cosmology research, as well as subatomic theory.
Some of our research is performed in collaboration with other theorists in Canada and abroad. We also benefit from the strong program in experimental subatomic physics which exists here at the University of Regina, and elsewhere.
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