
Dr. Gale Russell

Profile image for Gale Russell
Associate Professor - Mathematics Education
(on sabbatical)

Contact Info

Office: 306-585-4510
ED 333

Research Interests

  • Impacts on and opportunities within mathematics and the teaching and learning of mathematics that result from the perspectives of different worldviews (in particular, the Traditional Western worldview and an Indigenous worldview);
  • Occurrences of polysemy between English and Aboriginal English within the mathematics register and its relationship to teaching and learning as well as culture and language preservation;
  • Teachers' and students' understanding of zero;
  • Preservice teachers' probabilistic thinking;
  • Ethnomathematics; and,
  • Factors influencing how preservice teachers choose their program of study.

Underpinning my research in all of these areas, which often merge and challenge one another, is a desire to decolonize education and mathematics.