- Your name and institution,
- Your position (faculty member, postdoctoral researcher, graduate student, undergraduate student),
- Whether you will or will not attend an informal dinner (planned for the evening of May 25). There will be an extra charge for the dinner. Please indicate if you are bringing a guest.
- Whether you plan to give a talk or present a poster. Your title/abstract can be submitted with the registration or separately (note: separate deadline for abstract submissions).
- Shaun Fallat (Regina); Hadi Kharaghani (Lethbridge); Steve Kirkland (Manitoba);
Sarah Plosker (Brandon); Michael Tsatsomeros (Washington State); and
Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria).
Local Organizing Committee: Shaun Fallat and Matthew Greenberg. - The WCLAM Organising Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support for this meeting we have received in the past for WCLAM as well current financial commitments from PIMS and we wish to exted our sincere thanks to Dr. Matthew Greenberg (Interim Head) and the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at University of Calgary.
There is a large and thriving Linear Algebra community in Western Canada, where there is ongoing research in such areas as
matrix analysis, combinatorial matrix theory, applied and numerical linear algebra, combinatorics, operator theory and
operator algebras. Linear Algebra is a research subject in its own right, but it is also truly interdisciplinary as
linear algebraic tools are ubiquitous, not only across mathematics itself, but also in numerous applied fields, including
dynamical systems, mathematical biology and machine learning. There is continual interplay between the pure discipline and
its fields of application. This meeting succeeds a BIRS meeting for Dr. Peter Lancaster in 2017 and is planned to showcase
groundbreaking results and new research in the area, as a tribute honouring his 95th birthday
Many consider Dr. Lancaster to be a chief patriarch of this field, having produced an immense body of work spanning the
field and numerous related and important applications; having collaborated broadly on Linear Algebra work among colleagues
in this region and internationally; having supervised numerous students and mentored many young researchers; and having organized meetings and workshops here in Canada and beyond.
The Western Canada Linear Algebra meeting (WCLAM), is a regular series of meetings held roughly once every 2 years since
1993. Professor Peter Lancaster from the University of Calgary initiated the conference series and has been involved
as a mentor, an organizer, a speaker and participant in the lion's share of the fifteen previous WCLAMs. WCLAM typically
features three invited speakers (usually from outside Western Canada) and, despite being a regional meeting, generally
attracts participants from across Canada, the U.S.A., Asia and Europe. In this meeting, participation by early-career
researchers and students (especially graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, but also some mathematically
keen undergraduates on a research trajectory) will be prioritized; a supportive and welcoming atmosphere for
presenting their work among an audience of experts is provided. Part of the novelty with the proposed workshop
is the design of the program and participants to provide their accounts of the impact and continued development
of Linear Algebra across the region with an emphasis on Peter Lancaster's research. Given the special recognitional
nature of this meeting, this workshop will have the additional focus of hopefully highlighting Peter Lancaster's work and
lasting contributions, by bringing together some of his colleagues and former highly qualified personnel (students,
postdoctoral fellows and trainees).
Previous WCLAMs were held in Banff (2004, 2010), Brandon (2021), Regina (1993, 2002, 2014, 2023), Kananaskis (1996), Lethbridge (1995, 2012), Pullman (2018), Victoria (1998, 2006), and Winnipeg (2000, 2008, 2016).
The WCLAM '24 will be held at the University of Calgary on May 25-26 and the program will include the following some (more information to be added) featured speakers who will each present a 1-hour plenary lecture:
Amir Amiraslani, Capilano University
Panayiotis J. Psarrakos, National Technical University of Athens
Francoise Tisseur, University of Manchester
_______________________________________Conference Program:
The current plan is for this conference to be held in person at the University of Calgary and will take place in the Mathematical Sciences Building (Building abbreviation - MS) in rooms 431 & 461. However, to accommodate participation we have decided to add an online component to this special conference. We will be providing additional details concerning relevant Zoom information
Informal Dinner - On Saturday evening at 6 pm there is a dinner planned at the restaurant Notable. The address of the restaurant is: 133-4611 Bowness Road NW, Calgary. Please note that the reservation is for 30 people, so if you are interested in attending this dinner, please let the organizers know by emailing Shaun Fallat at shaun.fallat@uregina.ca
*NEW* The program for the WCLAM 2024 is now available for viewing by clicking hereIn an effort to encourage participation on a wide scale, you are welcome to listen to an additional lecture delivered remotely by Mehsin Jabel Atteya. The lecture is titled Expressions of solutions to the Yang-Baxter matrix equation ________________________________________
Contributed Lectures/Posters:
Participants who wish to present a 25-minute lecture or a poster should send a title/abstract to: shaun.fallat@uregina.ca
To register, email shaun.fallat@uregina.ca and include the following information:
Student/Postdoctoral Travel Support: The conference organizers have secured some funds to partially support the travel of students and/or postdoctoral fellows to present a talk or poster at WCLAM. If you are interested in applying for partial travel support please contact Shaun Fallat at shaun.fallat@uregina.ca The available funds will be awarded in order of application received.
Registration Fee: $30 (Canadian), payable by cash or cheque (made out to the
University of Regina) at the meeting.
Note: The registration fee is waived for all students and postdoctoral fellows.
General Travel Information:
We have reserved arooms at the
Alt Hotel University District located at 482 Mclaurin St, NW,
Calgary, Alberta,
T3B 6K3. Please follow this
and book by April 25, 2024 .
The hotel is approximately a
a 20 minute walk from the Math & Stats Department on the University of Calgary and is adjacent to campus or you can easily use City of Calgary transit.
We have reserved rooms on the University of Calgary campus. Please use this link
University of Calgary Accommodations We have reserved either a 2-bedroom dormitory apartment or a standard single room in the
International House (169 University Gate NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, 403-220-3203). Room Rates: $104 per night plus taxes.
Enter the booking code: LANCASTER95 and book by May 17, 2024.
University of Calgary Maps
WCLAM Organising Committee & Funding Acknowledgment: