Mr. Saul and the Artifacts

Video, 2012

This was part of Mr. Saul's Digital Utopia, shot over 26 Sundays in 2012.



Today I want to share with you some objects which have been pivotal in defining who I am today. That is to say, what makes me, Mr. Saul, Mr. Saul.

One must understand the nature of the artifact, that it is not a memory but rather it acts as a signifier to remind one of a memory. As such, you can easily assess the importance of a man's memory by the care he puts into his artifacts.  As with all things in life, precise and measured actions are necessary for a man to prove that he is not a beast or a communist.

The control, safekeeping, and cleanliness of one's possessions and family is not only the prerogative of the man, but speaks directly to his moral fortitude. I, for example, have maintained a strict regimen of washing and oiling all of my new electronics on a bi-weekly basis which explains how come ...