Angst Test Roll - replacing camera with 16mm projector

HD Video, 55 seconds , colour, 2012

My film "Angst", shot between 1988 and 1989, was my first exploration of film form. I became very interested in how to manipulate the tools and materials of filmmaking. This 1987 test film was submitted to the Saskatchewan Arts Board (silent) with my (successful) application for funding. It was shot at the old Filmpool office on Rae Street using a 16mm projector as a camera. I masked the areas around the reels to project the film from light and of course did not turn on the bulb. I had not considered the fact that the shutter was behind the gate rather than in front of it, which basically meant that the low light is the only thing that prevented me from having nothing but light streaming past. As you can see, there is blurring of light from bottom to top from the film moving while the exposure continued.

The sound effects that I just put onto this previously silent test are a bit contrived but in hindsight, I'd probably be a lot happier with the project if I'd been more abstract with the soundtrack of the final Angst film which is dense with voiceover. VIDEO

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