Department of Geology


Dr. Hairuo Qing                                              

Ph.D. McGill University (Dean's Honor List), 1991.

M.Sc. McGill University, 1986.

B.Sc. Chengdu University of Technology, China, 1982.


Current Position:


Department of Geology
University of Regina
Regina, SK

Canada S4S 0A2

Office: CW234.10

Phone: (306) 585-4677
Fax: (306) 585-5433


Past appointments include:


  • 2005-present             Professor                               University of Regina.
  • 2001-05                     Associate Professor             University of Regina.
  • 1999-01                     Assistant Professor              University of Regina.
  • 1995-98                     Lecturer                                  Royal Holloway, Univ. of London, UK
  • 1993-95                     NSERC Research Fellow    GSC-Calgary
  • 1991-92                     Post-Doctoral Fellow            University of Ottawa
  • 1984-91                     Research Assistant              McGill University, Montreal



Research Interests:

  • Petrography, diagnesis and geochemistry of carbonate rocks and their implications on reservoir development and mineralization in sedimentary basins. 

My research integrates the petrography with geochemistry to investigate diagenesis of carbonate rocks, especially dolomitization, and its implication on reservoir development and mineralization in the sedimentary basins.  Current research projects are carried out in northern Williston Basin in southeast Saskatchewan and elsewhere in the world, including the Ordovician Red River dolomite reservoirs, Middle Devonian Winnipegosis Mounds, and Mississippian carbonate reservoirs in Saskatchewan; Middle Devonian carbonate outcrops in northeastern British Columbia; Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in the Ordos Basin (China); and Devonian dolomite in Yangtze Platform (China).  The long-term objective is to characterize diagenetic features and their geochemical attributes in different tectonic settings in order to establish the spatial, temporal and genetic relationships between the tectonic evolution, fluid migration, reservoir development, and mineralization in different type of sedimentary basins.   

  • Secular variation of isotopic composition of seawater and paleoclimatic record based on isotopic signatures from carbonate minerals.

 My other research interest is to investigate secular variation of isotopic composition of seawater in the geologic history and its driving mechanism. Currently I have expanded this research into reconstruction paleoclimate changes and associated biotic crisis in geologic history based on the isotopic record from carbonate minerals.  One project that I am working on is the construction of high-resolution δ13Ccarb13Corg-87Sr/86Sr isotopic systematics from several Devonian sections in China in order to provide a better understanding of the mechanism for the collapse of the ecosystem at the Devonian Frasnian-Famennian boundary. The other project that I am working on is about “O and C isotopic record of speleothems in SE China and its implications for paleoclimate changes”. In this project, I am analyzing O and C isotopic signatures of speleothems sampled from different elevations from SE China, in order to establish a spatial and temporal climatic record and to interpret the forcing mechanism for these changes.


     Click here for current research projects.



 Click here for list of publications.


Undergraduate Courses Taught:

·         Historical Geology (Geol 240): History of the earth with emphasizing on major physical and biological events from the Archean to the Cenozoic Era.

·         Stratigraphy (Geol 340): Principles and problems of stratigraphy.

  • Geology of Carbonate Rocks (Geol 416): Modern and ancient depositional environments of carbonates and diagenetic processes affecting carbonate rocks.