Selected publications of Hairuo Qing


* designate author of student or visiting scientist.


Articles published in refereed journals:


1.     Chen*, D., Qing, H., and Li, R., 2005, Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian (F/F) biotic crisis: insight from δ13Ccarb, δ13Corg and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic systematics, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, in press. (PDF file)

2.     Fu*, Q., Qing, H., and Bergman, K., 2005, Paleokarst in the Middle Devonian Winnipegosis Mud Mounds, Subsurface of South-central Saskatchewan, Canada, submitted to Bull. Canadian Petroleum Geology, accepted.

3.     Horbury, A.D. and Qing, H., 2004, ‘Pseudobreccias’ revealed as calcrete mottling and bioturbation in the Late Dinantian of the southern Lake District, UK., Sedimentology, v.51, p.19-38. (PDF file)

4.   Chen*, D., Qing, H., and Yang, C., 2004, Multistage hydrothermal dolomites in the Middle Devonian carbonates in Guilin area, South China, Sedimentology, v.51, p.1029-1051. (PDF file)

5.     Fu*, Q., Qing, H., and Bergman, K., 2004, Subaerial Diagenesis of the Middle Devonian Winnipegosis Mounds, Subsurface of South-central Saskatchewan, Canada, Sedimentary Geology, v.168, p.49-69. (PDF file)

6.     Zhang*, J., Bergman, K.M., and Qing, H., 2004, Stratigraphic relationships between the Middle Devonian Shell Lake Member and the Upper Winnipegosis Reef Mounds, Saskatchewan Sub-basin, Bull. Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 52, p.156-176. (PDF file)

7.     Davison, I., Jeffcoate, A., and Qing, H., 2004, Geometry of chevron folding and shortening estimates at Hartland Quay, North Cornwall, UK, Geoscience in south-west England, v.11, p.42-50. (PDF file)

8.     Pu*, R. and Qing, H., 2003, Characterization of Ordovician Midale pools: implication for Red River play in northern Williston Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, AAPG Bulletin, v.87, p.1699-1715. (PDF file)

9.     Wan, G.J., Bai, Z.G., Qing, H., Mather, J.D., Huang, R.G., Wang, H.R., Tang, D.G., and Xiao, B.H., 2003, Geochemical records in recent sediments of Lake Erhai: implications for environmental changes in a low latitude-high altitude lake in southwest China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Elsevier Science, v.21, p.489-502. (PDF file)

10.  Yu*, X., Ma, X., and Qing, H., 2002, Sedimentology and reservoir characteristics of a Middle Jurassic fluvial system, Datong Basin, northern China, Bull. Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 50, p.105-117. (PDF file)

11.  Ni S., Qing, H., Tang, J., Zhou, M., and Li, Z., 2002, Kinetic modeling of diagenesis of Eogene lacustrine sandstone reservoirs in the Jianghan Basin, southeastern China, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, v. 21, p. 298-307.

12.  Qing, H, Rose, E.P.F., and Bosence, W.J., 2001, Dolomitization by penesaline seawater in Early Jurassic peritidal platform carbonates, Gibraltar, western Mediterranean. Sedimentology.  v. 48, 153-163. (PDF file)

13.  Wu, F., Qing, H., and Wan, G., 2001, Regeneration of N, P and Si Near the Sediment and Water Interface of Lakes From Southwestern China Plateau. Water Research, v.35, p.1334-1337.

14.  Bosence, D.W.J., Wood, J.L, E.P.F. Rose, E.P.F., Qing, H., 2000, Low- and high-frequency sea-level changes control peritidal carbonate cycles, facies and dolomitization in the Rock of Gibraltar (Early Jurassic, Iberian Peninsula):  Journal of the Geological Society,  London, v.157, p.61-74.

15.  Witkowski, F. W., Blundell, DJ,. Gutteridge, P.,  Horbury, A.D.  Oxtoby, N.H.  and Qing, H, 2000, Video Cathodoluminescence Microscopy of Diagenetic Cements and its Applications. Marine and Petroleum Geology. v.17, p.1085-1093.

16.  Qing, H., 1998, Petrography and geochemistry of early-stage, fine- and medium-crystalline dolomites in the Middle Devonian Presqu'ile at Pine Point, Canada. Sedimentology. v.45,  p.433-446. (PDF file)

17.  Qing, H., 1998,  Geochemical constraints on the origin and timing of palaeo-fluid flow in the Presqu'ile barrier reef, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. In Dating and Duration of Fluid Flow and Fluid-Rock Interaction (ed. by J. Parnell), Geological Society, London, Special Publication, No. 144, p. 173-187. (PDF file)

18.  Qing, H., C.R. Barnes, D. Buhl, and J. Veizer, 1998, The Sr isotopic composition of Ordovician and Silurian brachiopods and conodonts: relationships to geological events and implications for coeval seawater: Geochimica et Cosmochimica, v.62.,  p.1721-1733. (PDF file)

19.  Wendte, J. Qing, H., Dravis, J.J., Moore, S.L.O., Stasiuk, L.D., and Ward, G., 1998, High-temperature saline (thermoflux) dolomitization of Devonian Swan Hills platform and bank carbonates, Wild River area, West-central Alberta: Bull. Canadian Petroleum Geology.  v. 46, p. 210-265.

20.  Zhang, S.N., Qing, H., and Bjorlykke, K., 1998, Quartz overgrowths and their influence on the reservoir quality of tight sandstone in the western Sichuan Basin: Geological Review, v. 44, p. 649-655.

21.  Wu. F.C., Qing, H., Wan, G.J., Tang, D.G., Huang, R.G., and Cai, Y.R., 1997, Geochemistry of HCO3- at sediment-water interface of lakes from southeastern Chinese plateau. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 99, p. 381-390. (PDF file)

22.  Mountjoy, E., Qing, H., Drivet, E., Marquez, X., S. Whittaker, and Williams-Jones, A., 1997, Variable fluid and heat flow regimes in three Devonian dolomite conduit systems, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: isotopic and fluid inclusion constrains. In Basinwide Diagenetic Patterns: Integrated Petrologic, Geochemical and Hydrologic Considerations. I. Montasez, J. Gregg, and K. Shelton (eds), SEPM Special Pub.57, p 119-137.

23.  Wang, Y., Qing, H., Deng, L., Dong, W., and Luo, L., 1997, Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in Tarim Basin, Natural Gas Industry, v. 17, p. 10-14.

24.  Qing, H. and Mountjoy, E., 1995, Paleohydrogeology of the Canadian Rockies and origin of brines, Pb-Zn deposits and dolomitization in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin -Comments: Geology, v. 22, p. 189-190.

25.  Qing, H. and Veizer, J., 1994, Oxygen and carbon isotopes of the Ordovician articulate brachiopods: implication for the isotopic composition of Ordovician seawater: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 58, p. 4429-4442. (PDF file)

26.  Qing, H. and Mountjoy, E., 1994, Formation of coarsely crystalline, hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs in the Presqu'ile barrier, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 78, p .55-77.

27.  Qing, H. and Mountjoy, E., 1994, Origin of dissolution vugs, caverns, and breccias in the Middle Devonian Presqu'ile barrier, host of Pine Point MVT deposits: Economic Geology, v. 89, p. 858-876.

28.  Qing, H. and Mountjoy, E., 1994, Rare-earth element geochemistry of dolomites in the Presqu'ile barrier and implications for water/rock ratio during dolomitization: Sedimentology, v. 41, p. 787-804.

29.  Qing, H. and Mountjoy, E., 1992, Large-scale fluid flow in the Middle Devonian Presqu'ile barrier, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Geology, v. 20,  p. 903-906.

30.  Mountjoy, E., Qing, H., and McNutt, R., 1992, Sr isotopic composition of Devonian dolomites, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: significance as sources of dolomitizing fluids: Applied Geochemistry, v. 7, p. 57-75.

31.  Qing, H. and Mountjoy, E., 1989, Multistage dolomitization in Rainbow buildups, Middle Devonian Keg River Formation, Alberta, Canada: Jour. of Sed.Petrology, v. 59, p. 114-126.



Articles submitted to refereed journals:

·       Chen, D., Qing, H., and Yan, X., Rare earth elements in the chert as indicators of hydrothermal activities in the Late Devonian, South China, submitted to Sedimentology.

·       Nimegeers, A. and Qing, H., Lithofacies and Depositional History of Midale Carbonate-Evaporite Cycles in a Mississippian Ramp Setting, Steelman Field, Southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada, submitted to Sedimentology, conditionally accepted.

·       Xue, C., Zeng, R., Liu, S., Chi, G., Qing, H., Chen, G., Wang, D., and Yang, J.,  A Review of the Geologic, Fluid Inclusion and Isotopic Characteristics of the Jinding Zn-Pb Deposit, Western Yunnan, China, submitted to Ore Geology Reviews..



Articles in government publications and conference proceedings.


1.      Qing, H., 2004, Characterization of Ordovician Red River dolomite reservoirs, southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada: in Proceedings of “The third International Conference of Oil/Gas Reservoir Geology and Development Engineering” organized by Chengdu University of Technology, China, October 20-21, 2004, p. 1-10.

2.     Qing, H. and Mountjoy, E., 2004, Petrography and geochemistry of Presqu'ile dolomite, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, in proceedings of Dolomites: the Spectrum: Mechanisms, Models, Reservoir Development, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Seminar and Core Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 17p.

3.     Nickel, E. and Qing, H., 2004, Geochemical characterization of the sealing units in the Weyburn Field, Southeast Saskatchewan; in Summary of Investigations 2004, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy and Mines, v.1, 10pp.

4.     D Harvey, Kent, D., and Qing, H., 2004, Limited Accommodation Space: an Important Factor in the Formation of Early, Dolomites in Mississippian Midale and Ratcliffe Beds of Southeast, Saskatchewan (5 x 109 barrels ooip), in proceedings of Dolomites: the Spectrum: Mechanisms, Models, Reservoir Development, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Seminar and Core Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 15p.

5.     Whittaker, S., Rostron, B., Khan, D., Hajnal, Z., Qing, H., Penner, L., Maathuis, H. and Goussey, S. 2004, IEA GHG Weyburn CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, Theme 1: Geological Characterization, The proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, v. 3, p.15-69.

6.     Marsh, A.K.A., and Qing, H., 2002, Transgressive-Regressive cycles of the Mississippian Frobisher carbonate-evaporite succession in the Steelman area, southeastern Saskatchewan; in Summary of Investigations 2002, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy and Mines, v.1, p.37-46.

7.     Nimegeers, A.R. and Qing, H., 2002, Depositional model of the Mississippian Midale Beds, Steelman Field, southeastern Saskatchewan; in Summary of Investigations 2002, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy and Mines, v.1, p.47-67.

8.     Fu, Q., Qing, H. and Bergman, K., 2002, Petrography of diagenetic anhydrite in the Middle Devonian Winnipegosis and Ratner formations, subsurface of south-central Saskatchewan; in Summary of Investigations 2002, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy and Mines, v. 1, p.15-23.

9.     Qing, H, Kent, D, and Bend, S., 2001, Preliminary results of isotopic geochemistry of Ordovician Red River carbonates, subsurface of southeastern Saskatchewan: Implication for process of dolomitization and diagenetic modification of dolomites: in Summary of Investigations 2001, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy Mines, v.1, p. 1-9.

10.  Qing, H., Bergman, K., and Cameron, O., 2001, O and C isotopes of the Middle Devonian Lower Winnipegosis, Brightholme and Ratner carbonates, Elk Point Basin, southeastern Saskatchewan. in Summary of Investigations 2001, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy Mines, v.1, p. 32-36.

11.  Qing, H. and Wendte, J., 1995, Comparative diagenesis of the Swan Hills and Leduc carbonates, Devonian "Deep Basin" area of west-central Alberta, in J.S. Bell et al. eds., Proceedings of Oil and Gas Forum '95, Energy From Sediments, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3058, p. 117-120.

12.  Qing, H. and Wendte, J., 1995, Comparative diagenesis and isotopic geochemistry of the Swan Hills and Leduc carbonates, Devonian "Deep Basin" area of west-central Alberta, in B. Cheadle et al. eds. "Exploration, Evaluation, and Exploitation", CSPG 1995 Core Session, p.1-12.

13.  Qing, H. and Wendte, J.C., 1994, Diagenetic paragenesis of Swan Hills carbonates (Middle-Upper Devonian), Devonian Deep Basin in west-central Alberta: in Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, Paper 1994-E, p. 151-156.

14.  Qing, H., Teare, M., Abercrombie, H., Reimer, J., Reidiger, C., 1994, Diagenetic paragenesis of Middle Devonian Presqu'ile barrier, northeastern British Columbia: in Geological Survey of Canada Current Research,  Paper 1994-B, p. 43-48.

15.  Qing, H. and Mountjoy, E., 1990, Petrography and diagenesis of Middle Devonian Presqu'ile barrier -implications on formation of dissolution vugs and breccias at Pine Point and adjacent subsurface, District of Mackenzie: in Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, Paper 1990-D, p. 37-45.