Math 416 is a rigorous, abstract treatment of linear algebra. Topics to be covered include vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalizability, and inner product spaces. The course concludes with a brief introduction to the theory of canonical forms for matrices and linear transformations.
Linear algebra is notable for its striking blend of algebraic, analytic and geometric techniques, as well as for the beautiful interplay between abstract theory and concrete applications and algorithms. One of the goals of the course is to emphasize these notable features of the subject.
Instructor Martin Frankland franklan(at) Office 247A Illini Hall Office hours Wed 4-5 PM Lectures MWF 1:00-1:50 PM in 142 Henry Administration Bldg Course website Tutoring Offered Monday-Thursday. See details here, under Math 415. ![]()
Textbook Sergei Treil, Linear Algebra Done Wrong, July 2011 edition.
Available free online at
You can print it out and have it bound, for example at Notes-n-Quotes (502 E. John Street, Champaign).Grading The course grade is calculated as follows.
Final exam: 30%
Midterms: 60% (20% each)
Homework: 10%
If the final is better than the midterm average, then the final will be worth 40% and the lowest midterm will be worth 10%.Important dates Mon Aug 22: First lecture.
Wed Sep 21: Midterm 1, in class.
Fri Oct 14: Drop date. (Nov 18 for LAS and Engineering students.)
Wed Oct 19: Midterm 2, in class.
Wed Nov 16: Midterm 3, in class.
Fri Nov 18: Lecture canceled.
Nov 21-25: Thanksgiving break. No lectures.
Wed Dec 7: Last lecture.
Fri Dec 16: Final exam, 1:30-4:30 PM, in 142 Henry (normal lecture room).Homework Homework assigned at each lecture will be posted on the daily log. It will be due in class usually on Friday, or on Monday the week of an exam.
Syllabus Here is the course syllabus. Grades Registered students can view their grades here. You will need your NetID and password.
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