What's So Cool About Ultracold Neutrons?
Fri., Mar. 4, 2016 3:00 p.m. - Fri., Mar. 4, 2016 4:00 p.m.
Location: CL 417
In the past, UCN were obtained by cooling neutrons from fission based nuclear reactors. However over the last 15 years several new sources of UCN, called super thermal sources, have been pioneered. Here spallation neutrons are cooled by cryogenic convertors and afford UCN densities many orders of magnitude over reactor based systems. One such super thermal source based on conversion in superfluid helium is being developed at RCNP (Japan) and will be moved and installed at TRIUMF (Canada) in 2017. The first experiment planned is a highly anticipated measurement of the neutron’s EDM with an order of magnitude better sensitivity than current measurements. I will provide an introduction to UCN fundamentals, an overview of the rich physics opportunities available to UCN experiments, and present the current status of the TRIUMF UCN source and nEDM R&D.
Speaker: Russell Mammei, University of Winnipeg