Remote Teaching

UR Courses

UR Courses Information

Advantages of Using UR Courses

Remote teaching includes several modalities and these modalities typically occur along a continuum between primarily synchronous (virtual real-time class meetings) and primarily asynchronous (web-based, self-paced).

The University of Regina uses Zoom for synchronous course delivery and UR Courses for asynchronous course delivery. Most teaching will be a blend of these two main modalities. While some course instructors will engage in primarily live Zoom-based teaching, they are also encouraged to utilize UR Courses in their teaching.

Instructors may choose any mode of teaching they prefer, subject to program/department/faculty rules and regulations. However, they are also encouraged to utilize UR Courses which is the University’s official learning management system

UR Courses offers various advantages that Zoom alone cannot provide. These advantages include ability to communicate with your students via email embedded in UR Courses; upload teaching materials to the platform and keep them there for the entire semester if desired; create discussion forums; post announcements; create links to other websites and facilitate examinations. UR Courses also features integrated Zoom; when you create a UR Courses shell for your course, you also have access to Zoom in the same UR Courses platform.

If you are considering using a third-party tool or software that has not been assessed or licensed by the University of Regina, please review the Guidelines on Third Party Teaching and Learning Platforms .

UR Courses Login Information

To log into UR Courses, visit

Use your usual username and password, like you would for GroupWise email.

Setup a Blank UR Courses template for a Class

If you do not have any course material set up in UR Courses, request a blank UR Courses for your class by filling out the UR Courses Faculty Course Request form.

If you have existing course material in UR Courses, you can use the "Course Tools" to create a new blank course, or duplicate existing course material.

To create a new blank course, with a basic template applied:

  • Access any existing course in UR Courses
  • Click "Turn Editing On"
  • In the "Course Tools" drop-down, select "Create blank course"
  • This will create a new blank course with a basic template applied
To create a duplicate copy of an existing course: 
  • Access the existing course in UR Courses
  • Click "Turn Editing On"
  • In the "Course Tools" drop-down, select "Duplicate this course"
  • This will create a copy of the course, with the layout and files from the existing course, but will not include any student participants or student submissions.
Note: It is highly recommended that the course title clearly shows the Subject, Course Number, Instructor and the Term it is being used in, to avoid confusion between different versions of a course.
Instructions on the new Course Tools are available at: 

Communicate Information to Students - UR Courses 'Course Summary' (Even if not planning to use UR Courses for course material)

Please add relevant information directly to each active course in the 'Description Course Summary' section regarding your plans for the term.

Information and instructions are on the main Remote Teaching Page.

UR Courses Instructions and Resources

How to Activate a course and add Students as Participants in UR Courses

Instructors now have the option to make a copy of their course themselves, choose when to make it visible to students, and can control the enrolment of the student participants. When "Turn Editing On" is clicked in an existing course, there is a "Course Tools" menu and an "Enrolment" menu at the top right.

Instructions on the new Course Tools are at Instructor Guide "Course Tools"

To create a new blank course, with a basic template applied:

  • Access any existing course in UR Courses
  • Click "Turn Editing On"
  • In the "Course Tools" drop-down, select "Create blank course"
  • This will create a new blank course with a basic template applied

To create a duplicate copy of an existing course: 

  • Access the existing course in UR Courses
  • Click "Turn Editing On"
  • In the "Course Tools" drop-down, select "Duplicate this course"
  • This will create a copy of the course, with the layout and files from the existing course, but will not include any student participants or student submissions.

Note: It is highly recommended that the course title clearly shows the Subject, Course Number, Instructor and the Term it is being used in, to avoid confusion between different versions of a course.

Instructions on the new Enrolment tools are available at Instructor Guide "Enrolment"

To add participants to a course:

  • Access the course you wish to add the participants to 
  • Click "Turn Editing On"
  • In the "Enrolment" drop-down, select the term, then the CRN to populate participants from
  • Participants will be added to the course by the following morning

To make a course Hidden from students, or Visible to students:

Instructions on course visibility are at Instructor Guide "Setting Things Up".

When hidden, the course title and description (course summary) are still visible to students, but course content is not available.

Note: Students now retain access to courses from the previous term

Instructors are advised to go into courses that were active in the previous term(s), and mark them 'Hidden' (unavailable) for students once access is no longer required. 

We will adjust this process so that previous term courses are 'Hidden' by default and Instructors can make them 'Visible' if access is still required.

Instruction manuals, videos, and training courses

How to integrate Zoom into UR Courses

Instructions on adding Zoom as an Activity in a UR Courses course is available on the Zoom page on this site. 

Request assistance with UR Courses setup and adding content

Fill out a UR Courses and Instructional Support Ticket Form and click the appropriate checkboxes under the 'Assistance Request' heading.

Uploading Media to UR Courses

Media can be uploaded in UR Courses using the 'My Media' activity, or using the new online U of R Media Space at 

Videos uploaded to Kaltura through UR Courses are also accessible on the online MediaSpace.

UR Courses Exam Support

If you are using UR Courses to facilitate a midterm or final exam, assistance is available to set up the exam, input questions, and review the exam ahead of time.

We can also provide live tech support during a UR Courses final exam through Zoom.

Please visit the Exam Support page for more information.

Additional UR Courses Resources & Support

Please visit the Resources & Support page for information and links to extensive support resources.