Remote Teaching

Resources & Support

IS Service Desk (formerly, IT Support Centre)

Technology Training & Support (TTS)

Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Pedagogy, Webinars, Seminars, and Technical Support

Request assistance with UR Courses technical setup and/or pedagogical support

Submit a UR Courses and Instructional Support ticket webform, and check the appropriate boxes under "Assistance Request".

Pedagogical Consultation and Support - Centre for Teaching & Learning (CTL)

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is the key centre for pedagogical support and advice for teaching & learning.

CTL Online Seminar Recordings "Welcome to My Remote Course"

Welcome to My Remote Course is a free online seminar series created by University of Regina's Centre for Teaching and Learning in collaboration with the Centre for Continuing Education. In each 30 to 45-minute Zoom presentation, U of R instructors will showcase their remote teaching style in an open forum setting.

View videos of past seminars on the CTL Mediaspace channel at:

Webinars and Videos on use of UR Courses and Zoom

CCE Flexible Learning and IS Technology Training & Support (formerly TLC) offer webinars on various topics such as UR Courses Discussion Forums, Gradebook, Assignments, Quizzes/Exams, and Zoom Lectures and Recording.

Zoom Drop-Ins for Technical Support

Live support and assistance with technical questions related to UR Courses is available via Zoom at:

  • Weekdays: Monday to Friday from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm
  • Weekends: Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm

If you require assistance outside of these hours, or are unable to attend a Zoom drop-in session, please submit a UR Courses and Instructional Support Ticket webform.

Remote Delivery Faculty Learning Community (RDFLC) - UR Courses collaboration forum

  • Faculty members and Instructors are invited to join the online Remote Delivery Faculty Learning Community in UR Courses.
  • This is a peer support site for asking questions, sharing information with colleagues and participating in discussions.
  • Access the RDFLC course in UR Courses at:

UR Courses

Zoom  - includes a link to using Hyflex Smart Classroom technology for on campus in-person courses with some Zoom attendance

Exams and Quizzes

Exam Support for Setting up an Exam and/or Live Tech Support during an Exam

Submit a UR Courses Instructional Support ticket webform and check the appropriate boxes under "Assistance Request"

Proctortrack online proctoring of UR Courses exams

Information on Proctortrack is available on the Exams Support page on this site.

Links to information, instruction manuals, and videos

Accommodations Test Centre (ATC)

The Accommodations Test Centre (ATC) provides a centralized location for students registered with the Centre for Student Accessibility to write their exams, see


Additional Support Resources

Library Support and Resources

The Library website ( provides remote access to thousands of electronic journals, books, databases, and other resources, as well as information about services, training and hours.

Remote Research Support Site

Information and software access for researchers can be found at

Term Updates

Term updates and resources can found at

Class Notes Portal Information

The Class Notes Portal will be discontinued January 1, 2021. For Winter 2021, instructors are asked to update the UR Courses "Course Summary" for each of their courses even if not planning to use UR Courses for course material.

Please contact IS Service Desk (formerly, IT Support) if you have any questions or concerns about this change.

Student Laptop Loan Information

The University of Regina has a limited number of laptops available to loan to students in need.

For further information, including Terms and Conditions, please visit the Student Laptop Loan page.

Working off campus, VPN, Networking, and Software Downloads

For additional support or assistance, please contact the IS Service Desk (formerly, IT Support Centre).