Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2030)
Following a review conducted according to the provisions of the University’s policy on out-of-scope administrative appointments, we are pleased to share that Dr. Aziz Douai has accepted President Keshen’s offer of a second five-year term as Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research effective January 1, 2026.
Dr. Douai holds a PhD in Mass Communications from Pennsylvania State University, a Master of Science in Advertising from Boston University, and has lectured on global communication issues in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. He is the author of Arab media and the politics of terrorism: Unbecoming news (Peter Lang, 2020), and co-editor of Mediated identities and new journalism in the Arab World: Mapping the “Arab Spring (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), and New media influence on social and political change in Africa (IGI Global, 2013). He has published more than 50 journal articles and book chapters dealing with Middle East and North African (MENA) media, political conflict, among other global communication issues. Dr. Douai maintains an active research agenda focused on disruptive communication technologies, with a special interest in the MENA region’s media and politics, and actively seeks opportunities to teach and supervise graduate students in the interdisciplinary area of mass communication.
Dr. Douai is a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) since 2022 and participates in advocacy and advancement of graduate education at national and international levels. He is also a Founding Member of the Center on Hate, Bias and Extremism, a Senior Research Affiliate at the Canadian Research Network for Terrorism, Security and Society, and a member of the Digital Life Institute. He served as grant reviewer and Chair of the Multi-disciplinary Committee-Social Sciences at the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) between 2017-2020. A recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship, SSHRC and international competitive research grants, he highly appreciates the importance of research funding to graduate student success.
As Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Aziz has implemented several student-centered initiatives promoting graduate student success through curricular and cocurricular programming, stronger funding for graduate students, and expanding training and professional development opportunities. He has supported graduate program innovation and led the development of the Graduate Advanced Training and Entrepreneurship (GATE) Centre. GATE serves as a catalyst for student innovation and entrepreneurship through graduate student talent development, career-preparation, and acceleration of start-ups. Aziz prides himself on advocating on behalf of U of R graduate students and researchers and celebrating their accomplishments locally and nationally. During his first term, the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research has experienced significant growth in graduate student enrolment, enhanced graduate student funding, and received national recognition for excellence in graduate education, including FGSR’s faculty nominee being honored with CAGS’s Award in Outstanding Graduate Supervision in 2022 and FGSR’s graduate student winning the CAGS’ National Three Minute Thesis Showcase in 2024.
We thank the members of the Reappointment Committee for their collegial work: Kwaku Ayisi, Melisssa Dyck, Dr. Jenn Gordon, Dr. Tristan Hopper, Dr. Golam Kabir, Dr. Chris Oriet, Karin Pasternak, Dr. Cathy Rocke, and Dr. Chris Yost. I would also like to thank Danni Kenzle of Human Resources and Angela Leader of the Provost’s Office for their administrative support.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Douai on this reappointment.
Dean, Faculty of Arts (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2030)
Following a review conducted according to the provisions of the University’s policy on out-of-scope administrative appointments, Dr. Shannon Dea has been appointed to a second five-year term as Dean, Faculty of Arts effective July 1, 2025.
Shannon Dea (she/they) joined the University of Regina in 2020. Prior to that appointment, she was a professor of Philosophy at University of Waterloo, where she served in a number of leadership roles, including as founder of both the Gender and Social Justice Program and of W3+ (Waterloo Womxn + Nonbinary Wednesdays), for which latter University of Waterloo twice received national recognition. A settler and first-generation university student who grew up on Kanien’kehá:ka and Anishinabek territory, Shannon received her B.A. Hons. in Philosophy and Russian from the University of Waterloo, and her M.A. and PhD in Philosophy from Queen’s University and Western University, respectively.
A multiple award-winning teacher and an active scholar, her recent work ranges across topics in academic freedom, higher education, sex and gender, EDI, history of philosophy, and feminist social philosophy. She has published three dozen academic articles and is the author of Beyond the Binary: Thinking About Sex and Gender, which was released in a second expanded edition by Broadview Press in October, 2023. Between 2018 and 2022, Shannon was the creator and author of the Dispatches on Academic Freedom column in University Affairs. She remains a sought-after speaker, trainer and media expert on academic freedom and related issues.
Among her many service and leadership roles, Shannon is the Chair of the Western Canadian Deans of Arts, Science and Indigenous Studies, in which capacity she led the expansion of the group’s membership and mandate to include Indigenous Studies. She is a board member of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and a member of the Federation’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization Committee. She is also a trustee of the Mackenzie Art Gallery (MAG) and Chair of the MAG Board of Trustees’ Governance Committee. Shannon is in her fourth year of service as an expert panelist for Belgium’s prestigious Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (FWO) and will take over as Chair of her FWO expert panel in 2025.
During her first term, Shannon stewarded the Faculty of Arts through the pandemic and University budget challenges with transparency and care. Under Shannon’s leadership, Arts colleagues reinvigorated Faculty of Arts Council, streamlined the Arts core curriculum to support student success, leveraged provincial funding for a major clinical psychology expansion, developed and launched the new Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, News Media and Communication, and undertook important Indigenous engagement work. Shannon’s priorities for her second term include continuing the development of Arts’ new Academic Integrity and Equity team in partnership with the newly-created Associate Dean Student Success position, and undertaking an ambitious renovation of the main floor of the Classroom Building to create an appealing and accessible student service hub.
The Interim Provost thanks the members of the Reappointment Committee for their collegial work: Annaleigh Baker, Dr. Nick Carleton, Dr. Claire Carter, Dr. David Dick, Dr. James Gacek, Eric Horbal, Julia Lacey, and Cassi Tremblay. I would also like to thank Danni Kenzle of Human Resources and Angela Leader of the Provost’s Office for their administrative support.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Dea on this reappointment.
Dean, Faculty of Social Work (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2030)
Following a review conducted according to the provisions of the University’s policy on out-of-scope administrative appointments, Dr. Cathy Roke has been appointed to a second five-year term as Dean, Faculty of Social Work effective July 1, 2025.
Dr. Rocke brings a wealth of experience and achievements to her role at the University of Regina, particularly in social work and academia. During her first term as Dean, she led the development of a new Strategic Plan (2021-2025) for the Faculty of Social Work during the challenging times of the pandemic; successfully secured one-time MOU funding from the Province of Saskatchewan to redesign the Master of Social Work degree, enhancing accessibility for graduate students across the province; and initiated a Bachelor of Social Work cohort in the North Battleford / Meadowlake region in collaboration with Northwest College, expanding educational opportunities in underserved areas. Dr. Rocke steered the Faculty of Social Work through financial challenges, including navigating budget cuts over a two-year period, demonstrating effective fiscal management.
Dr. Rocke has maintained active involvement in teaching, graduate student supervision, and scholarly work during her tenure as Dean. She successfully adapted and delivered a blended undergraduate course, published a book chapter and journal article focusing on social work practice in child welfare, contributing to scholarly discourse in the field. She also developed and sustained strong relationships the Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers (SASW), serving on key committees including Education and Research. At the national level she served on the Executive Committee of the Child Welfare League of Canada, highlighting her commitment to broader social work advocacy and policy.
Prior to joining the University of Regina in 2020, Dr. Rocke served as Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Manitoba. Dr. Rocke completed her PhD at the Arthur V. Mauro Centre for Peace and Justice, St. Paul's College, University of Manitoba where her research focused on the how organizations respond to issues of racism. In her social work practice, Dr. Rocke worked in the areas of child protection and domestic violence.
The Provost thanks the members of the Reappointment Committee for their collegial work: Dr. Darlene Chalmers, Jonathan Calfat, Dr. Jacqueline Fields, Brad Fraser, Dr. Lise Milne, Dr. James Nahachewsky, Dr. Nuelle Novik, and Jillian Plosker. Additional thanks to Dr. Christopher Yost, Vice-President (Research) for serving as Chair, and to Danni Kenzle of Human Resources and Angela Leader of the Provost’s Office for their administrative support.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Rocke on this reappointment.
Dean, Faculty of Business Administration (July 31, 2024 - June 30, 2029)
Following a national search conducted according to the provisions of the University’s policy on out-of-scope administrative appointments, Dr. Erin Oldford has been appointed as Dean, Faculty of Business Administration effective July 31, 2024.
Dr. Erin Oldford holds a Bachelor of Commerce, a Master of Business Administration in Finance, and PhD in Management (Finance) from Carleton’s Sprott School of Business. She has been a Finance faculty member at Memorial University’s Faculty of Business Administration since 2017.
Since 2021, Dr. Oldford has served as Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Accreditation, where she led the roll-out of redeveloped undergraduate Commerce programs. Further, she steered the reimagining of experiential learning programming at Memorial’s Harlow, UK campus, where students work with UK companies as management consultants. Dr. Oldford has managed Memorial’s portfolio of accreditations, professional designations, and partnerships. In supporting AACSB, Dr. Oldford has led the effort to enhance faculty buy-in and prioritize mission-driven, continuous improvement. She has spearheaded work to prioritize societal impact, developing a faculty social impact statement and social impact plan to guide the faculty’s efforts in this space. In her time as Associate Dean, Dr. Oldford has also designed and worked with a team to implement “Embark”, the faculty’s student success and career centre, which takes a holistic approach to student success.
Throughout her career, Dr. Oldford has been a champion of experiential and peer-to-peer learning programs. Upon joining Memorial, she developed and launched the University’s student-managed investment fund, and she is involved with developing a student-led social impact fund. Dr. Oldford teaches a range of courses, including Corporate Finance and Investments, and developed and teaches an experiential finance course titled: Applied Equity Valuation. At both Memorial and Carleton, Dr. Oldford worked with a number of student teams to compete in finance competitions, including ICBC, Van Berkom Small Cap Case Competition, William & Mary Women’s Stock Pitch Competition, and CFA Research Challenges. Her contribution to teaching has been recognized by the Patten Teaching Fellowship.
Dr. Oldford researches in the areas of behavioural finance, corporate communications, and financial education. She has published 19 peer-reviewed articles in internationally recognized academic journals including Scientometrics, Managerial Finance, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, The Financial Review, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, and Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. Her research has been highlightedby the National Post and the World Economic Forum. Dr. Oldford’s research is externally funded, and she currently holds a SSRC Insight Grant and is a co-investigator on a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant. Her research has beenrecognized by the Dean’s Research Award and the FBA Advisory Board Research Impact Award.
The Provost would like to recognize the work of the Advisory Committee members (in alphabetical order): Mr. Mark Borgares, Mr. Sean Harms, Mr. Dwight Heinrichs, Dr. Youngsoo Kim, Ms. Anne Lauf, Dr. Tatiana Levit, Mr. Mike Northcott, Dr. Adrian Pitariu, Mr. Noah Rainbow, Dr. Morina Rennie, Dr. Christie Schultz, Ms. Stephanie Swayn, and The Hon. Pamela Wallin. The committee was supported in its work by Angela Leader of the Provost’s Office.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Oldford on this appointment.
Associate Vice-President (Research) (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2028)
I’m pleased to announce that Andrea Sterzuk has been appointed as Associate Vice-President (Research) effective January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2028.
Dr. Sterzuk received her PhD in Interdisciplinary Language Acquisition Program at McGill University and joined the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina in 2007. Over the last 12 years, she has served in a number of leadership roles including Acting Associate Dean, Graduate Programs & Research in Education and Acting Dean of the Faculty of Education. In December of 2020 Dr. Sterzuk was appointed as Director of the Centre for Educational Research, Collaboration and Development which is the Faculty of Education’s faculty-based research centre.
Dr. Sterzuk’s research is focused on language issues related to settler colonialism and has been published in numerous publications and journals. Additionally, she has been involved in numerous research collaborations and delivered conference presentations nationally and internationally. Her commitments to advancing the research of colleagues are many and diverse. Her support to other scholars has included reviewing major research grant proposals, providing grant proposal preparation support, and providing peer review for academic and professional texts and book proposals for academic presses.
As Associate Vice-President (Research), Dr Sterzuk will be reporting to the Vice-President (Research) and will have leadership responsibilities for the Office of Research Services, Office of Research Partnerships & Innovation, the Research Ethics Board and institution-level research centres.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the search committee members - Dr Aziz Douai, Dr Charity Marsh, Dr Gabriela Novotna, and Dr Raymond Deschamps.
I also want to say a special thank you to the Human Resource team and Karen Walker (office of the Vice-President (Research) who supported the committee throughout the search.
Please join me in congratulating Dr Sterzuk to the Research Enterprise. We feel very fortunate she has agreed to take on this important leadership position.
Dean, Centre for Continuing Education (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2030)
Following a review conducted according to the provisions of the University’s policy on out-of-scope administrative appointments, Dr. Christie Schultz has been appointed to a second five-year term as Dean, Centre for Continuing Education effective July 1, 2025.
Dr. Christie Schultz is known for her work as a leader in professional, continuing, and online education. She is also a scholar of leadership in higher education, care ethics in leadership, and qualitative research methodologies. Her scholarly book, Leading with Feminist Care Ethics in Higher Education: Experiences, Practices, and Possibilities, was released in 2022.
As the Dean of the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) at the University of Regina and a passionate proponent of lifelong learning, Dr. Schultz provides leadership for CCE’s Flexible Learning division; Career and Professional Development programs; English language programs; and CCE’s community programs.
During her first term as dean, Dr. Schultz led the development of CCE’s microcredentials portfolio alongside several other program innovations; developed and sustained partnerships and collaborations within and beyond the university; embraced technological innovation; and demonstrated organizational excellence and financial leadership across the CCE portfolio.
Actively involved in the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE), Dr. Schultz serves on the national executive committee and served as the association's president in 2022-23.
In 2023, Dr. Schultz was appointed to serve as a member of the Saskatchewan Higher Education Quality Assurance Board (SHEQAB).
Before coming to the field of continuing education, Dr. Schultz worked in the world of educational technologies, web communications, and web strategy. She holds a PhD in education, an MA in English, as well as an MBA in public policy and management from the University of Alberta.
I would also like to thank the members of the Reappointment Committee for their collegial work: Terri Allard, Dr. Aziz Douai, Amber Fitz-Gerald, Dr. Nilgün Önder, Dacey Reimer, Myrina Rutten-James, and Lamont Stradeski. The committee was supported in its work by Danni Kenzle of Human Resources and Angela Leader of the Provost’s Office.
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Schultz on this reappointment.
Interim Dean, Faculty of Business Administration (June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 renewable until a full-term Dean is in place)
The Provost wishes to thank Dr. Saqib Khan for agreeing to serve as Interim Dean, Faculty of Business Administration from June 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 until a full-term Dean is in place. Dr. Khan has been with the University of Regina since 2007. He is an Associate Professor of Finance and served as Program Lead-International, Associate Dean - Academic, and Associate Dean - Faculty Relations and Development, for the Hill and Levene Schools of Business.
Dr. Khan holds a MSc. Chemistry degree from Karachi University, MSc. Engineering from Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, MBA from Institute of Business Administration-Karachi, and PhD in Finance from Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario. Prior to joining academia, Dr. Khan worked in both public and private sector organizations.
In addition to the University of Regina, Dr. Khan has taught at the Ivey Business School, Brescia University College, and Institute of Business Administration-Karachi. He is also involved in executive education through the Center for Experiential and Executive Learning at the Hill and Levene Schools of Business. Dr. Khan’s research interests are in the areas of Derivatives and Risk Management, Corporate Finance, and Agricultural Finance. He was the holder of Agribusiness Research Scholar. He has co-authored several papers in top tier finance journals. He has also coauthored several business cases.
Dr. Khan has demonstrated leadership in a wide range of service areas within the University as well as the business and broader community of Regina. He has served on the Investment and Growth Committee of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, and on the board of several community organizations.
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Khan on this appointment.
Dean, Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2028)
Following a national search conducted according to the provisions of University policy on out-of-scope academic appointments, Dr. David Dick has been appointed as Dean, Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance effective July 1, 2023.
Dr. David Dick has been a part of the Faculty of MAP at the University of Regina since 2010, serving in various capacities from sessional lecturer in 2010 to Department Head in 2020, and has been in the role of Interim Dean since January 2022. He has directed the Jazz Ensemble, taught music theory, music history, and brass performance classes for the Department of Music.
Dr. Dick has served the wider music community in Saskatchewan and beyond as a board member, consultant, clinician, music director and coordinator in various professional associations, non-profit organizations, school districts, and with the City of Regina’s mayor.
Maintaining an active performance practice, Dr. Dick holds the position of Principal Trombone player for the Regina Symphony Orchestra. Previous to this position, he was the Principal Trombone player of the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, where he taught music courses as a sessional instructor at several universities in Mississippi.
Dr. Dick is in demand as a performer, clinician, and adjudicator, working with bands, jazz bands and soloists at regional and provincial music festivals, in addition to performing recitals and offering masterclasses. He continues to perform in a wide variety of settings including orchestras, chamber groups, early music ensembles, jazz ensembles, and blues bands.
Dr. Dick holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Memphis, a Master of Music degree from McGill University, and a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Regina.
The Provost would like to recognize the work of the Advisory Committee members (alphabetical order): Émily Beaupré-Walsh, Ruth Chambers, Dr. Shannon Dea, Elizabeth Dow, Brent Ghiglione, Dr. Shannon Holmes, Charity Marsh, Tunde Onikoyi, Mike Rollo, and Cheryl Whyte. Thanks are also due to Nancy Kazeil (Human Resources) and Angela Leader (Provost's Office) for their support in this search.
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Dick on this appointment.
Dean, Faculty of Education (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2028)
Following a national search conducted according to the provisions of University policy on out-of-scope academic appointments, Dr. James Nahachewsky will be appointed to a five-year appointment as Dean, Faculty of Education effective July 1, 2023.
James was born, raised and educated in Saskatchewan – on Treaty Four and Treaty Six territories. He decided to become a teacher while completing his BA in English literature at the University of Saskatchewan during which time he volunteered as a tutor with READ Saskatoon and the Open Door Society. He found a home for his passion for literacy in the middle years and secondary classrooms; quickly becoming interested in understanding the impact of digital technologies on his students’ learning and on classroom teaching. These interests led him to complete a MEd degree at the University of Saskatchewan and a PhD at the University of Alberta.
During this time, his teaching and graduate work were balanced by service in leadership roles. He has served as academic Department Head in both the Elrose Composite and Melville Comprehensive schools, Graduate Student Society President while at the University of Alberta, on the Executive for the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada, on the editorial board of English Quarterly, as acting Chair in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Victoria, and most recently - for the past 5 years - as Associate Dean Undergraduate Programs in the Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria.
James has taught extensively at the graduate and undergraduate levels, authored numerous articles, and presented nationally and internationally on his research in literacy learning, teaching and curriculum studies focusing on equity, diversity, inclusion and indigeneity. He is co-editor of the book Beyond Presentism: Re-imagining the historical, personal and social places of curriculum and, as co-applicant, is part of a research team that recently received a $2.5 million, multi-year SSHRC partnership grant for their research project entitled Visual Storytelling and Graphic Art in Genocide and Human Rights Education.
The Provost would like to recognize the work of the Advisory Committee members (alphabetical order): Shauna Beylefeld, Dr. Michael Cappello, Dr. Jenn de Lugt, Rochelle Fenwick, Ian Krips, Amanda Matebekwane, Elder Alma Poitras, Dr. Harold Riemer, Claire St. Cyr-Power, Dr. Donna Swapp, and Jayden Tokar-Katz. Thanks are also due to Nancy Kazeil (Human Resources) and Angela Leader (Provost's Office) for their support in this search.
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Nahachewsky on this appointment.
Associate Vice-President (International) (January 1, 2023)
Following a national search according to the provisions of University policy on out-of-scope senior appointments, Mr. Haroon Chaudhry has been appointed to the position of Associate Vice-President (International) and Chief International Officer. Mr. Chaudhry has accepted the appointment, which commences on January 1, 2023.
An alumnus both of John Jay College of Criminal Justice in the City University of New York and of the University of Regina, Mr Chaudhry holds a BA as well as a master's degree in public administration. His relationship with the University of Regina spans fifteen years, from graduate studies to URI roles including Director, Global Education Services, and acting Associate Vice-President (International).
Mr Chaudhry's strategic vision of sustainable, student-focused internationalization at the University of Regina comes from over two decades of experience in higher education in Canada and the United States, including the New York City government and the City University of New York. Throughout his student and professional life, Mr Chaudhry has been dedicated to ensuring positive academic and student supportive post-secondary experiences.
His commitment to international education and student retention has earned him numerous awards and accolades. Under his leadership, UR International will continue to thrive.
I would also like to thank members of the Search Advisory Committee - Dr. Phillip Choi, Jim D'Arcy, Harshkumar Patel, Dr. Christie Schultz, Yaya Siggins, Lamont Stradeski, Nancy Kazeil of Human Resources and Angela Leader of the Provost's Office.
Please join us in congratulating Mr. Chaudhry on this appointment.
Acting Associate Vice-President (Research) (September 19, 2022 - June 30, 2023)
I’m pleased to announce that Andrea Sterzuk has been appointed as Acting Associate Vice-President Research effective September 19, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Dr. Sterzuk received her PhD in Interdisciplinary Language Acquisition Program at McGill University and joined the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina in 2007. Over the last 12 years, she has served in a number of leadership roles including Acting Associate Dean, Graduate Programs & Research in Education and Acting Dean of the Faculty of Education. In December of 2020 Dr. Sterzuk was appointed as Director of the Centre for Educational Research, Collaboration and Development which is the Faculty of Education’s faculty-based research centre.
Dr. Sterzuk’s research is focused on language issues related to settler colonialism and has been published in numerous publications and journals. Additionally, she has been involved in numerous research collaborations and delivered conference presentations nationally and internationally. Her commitments to advancing the research of colleagues are many and diverse. Her support to other scholars has included reviewing major research grant proposals, providing grant proposal preparation support, and providing peer review for academic and professional texts and book proposals for academic presses.
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Sterzuk on this appointment.
Associate Vice-President (Academic) (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2028)
Following a review conducted according to the provisions of the University policy on out-of-scope academic administrative appointments, Dr. Nilgün Önder has been appointed to a second five-year term as Associate Vice-President (Academic) effective July 1, 2023.
Dr. Önder has been with the University of Regina since 2003. She is Associate Professor of Politics and International Studies. She served as Acting Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies), Faculty of Arts, from July 2015-June 2018. She is the founding head of the International Studies Program at the Faculty of Arts. Her areas of research and teaching include international relations, international political economy, global governance, Turkish political economy, and Turkish foreign policy. In addition to publishing peer-reviewed journal articles and presenting numerous papers at refereed international and Canadian conferences, she is the author of The Economic Transformation of Turkey: Neoliberalism and State Intervention (2015).
She has served several international scholarly associations in various capacities. She was Vice-President of International Studies Association – Canada for 2017-2018 and President of the same association for 2018-2019. She is a member of the Editorial Board, International Comparative Social Studies (ICSS) Book Series, Brill, Netherlands.
During her first term as AVP (Academic), Dr. Önder initiated and led a number of projects focusing on supporting students’ transition from high school to university, improving student success and retention, and enhancing quality teaching and teaching supports through the Centre for Teaching and Learning. She provided leadership and support for the Open Educational Resources Publishing Program and initiated the Zero-Cost-Material Courses project to lower textbook costs for students. She created and chaired the Microcredentials Working Group to develop an institutional microcredentials framework. The Working Group released the Microcredentials Framework in April 2021. In September 2021, together with the Provost, Dr. Önder established the Task Force on the Future of Technology Infrastructure Supporting Teaching, Learning, and the Academic Mission of the University to develop a vision for the University’s academic technology infrastructure and related supports for faculty and students. In consultation with the Task Force, she authored the Task Force Report with Recommendations (April 2022). In collaboration with relevant units, she will take the lead on the implementation of some of the Task Force’s priority recommendations in the coming months. Dr. Önder is also committed to building and maintaining excellent relations with the three Federated Colleges and other partner institutions.
The Interim Provost would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Reappointment Committee for their collegial work. They are Art Exner, Doug Farenick, Saqib Khan, Tom Phenix, Christie Schultz and Christina Winter. The Committee was supported in its work by Nancy Kazeil of Human Resources and Angela Leader of the Provost’s Office.
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Önder on this reappointment.