Waiting For Her
HD Video , 114 seconds, colour, 2012
This is one of my story fragment films. I love telling fragments of stories, a set up or a situation or a character motivation, with not real outcome. These films are rarely programmed. I think there must be something annoying or off putting about them.
This one began with the shooting itself. I went to this corner near my house because I'd noticed the bricks were crumbling. I shot this video with a point and shoot in almost exactly the way it is presented here, starting and stopping the camera every one or two seconds. If I had actually been waiting for someone, I'd not have come up with any ideas, but as I was on my own time, I could let my mind drift all over and I began thinking about similar states of non-activity which were much more prevalent when I was younger, when I was much much shyer, and when I would have waited to accidentally meet someone instead of trying to have an honest conversation. VIDEO