The Testament of Frankenstitch

Digital , 6 minutes, colour, 2016

The continuing exploits of the monster created by Thomas Edison with a secret agenda of transferring his own consciousness into using a Rotwang device, with the intention of gaining immortality and to ultimately win his feud with Nicolai Tesla whom he claims to have also built in his monster lab but who claims to have been a time traveler and to to have created Thomas Edison in his own lab, alongside the creature known only as "The Bride" whom the monster is the child, the lover, and the father to. It has puppets, it has animation, it has German Expressionist twists and turns and shadows, and then the moon explodes. Voice performers include William Bessai-Saul, Mooky Cornish, Erik Sirke, and Teagan Kaldor-Mair. (See prototype/prequel)

At the 2017 Whoops Film Festival in Brooklyn, New York, it was 'awarded' two prizes, "Worst Screenplay" and "Worst Actress".
In 2019, it was an award winner at the 30th season of Calcutta International Cult Film Festival.

Link to SCRIPT.


Preliminary drawings by William Bessai-Saul along with some notes.

With Chrystene Ells, I wrote an article in which I discuss this film,   published in The Journal of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania in 2019.  LINK

A still from this film, photographically printed onto watercolour paper, was displayed as part of a German Expressionist art competition at the Regina Public Library in October to November, 2016 (honourable mention).

This film, and some variations of it and other uses of the Frankenstitch character, were shown during the Caligari Project, in particular through the Tickletrunk of Dr. Caligari, in 2016.

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