The Nobb

16mm film, 1 minutes, 1989 (additional images 1, 2, 3, 4)

This is a series of animated loops all drawn in crayon, each under a second long. The nobb refers to the NFB "Door" project being developed locally at that time, instigated by Barbara, a producer obsessed with New Age philosophy. The final line, in my voice, says "Barbara, the new age is over", hampered my opportunities at having NFB support for many years. Ironically, I did end up having a project developed to treatment stage through this same Door project. It was called "High Tide" and was set in the future where Saskatchewan was under water half the time, and dry the other half of the time, depending upon the moon. The main character was an outpost, a type of gas station for airplanes. There were also Dinosaurs returning. It was fun but, in a pre-digital effects age, impractical.