The Adventure of Billy Backwards
super-8 film, 3.5 minutes, 2003 (additional image 1)
Continuing my re-acquaintance of the backyard super-8 film skits, this film was shot backwards to separate my son from all others, embracing the wonder of uniqueness. This is another film made for the One Take Super 8 Event. I shot it using the old "Six Million Dollar Man" trick that we loved to do in our grade school super-8 films, to shoot with the camera upside down and then feeding the camera into the projector tail first so that it plays upside down (becoming right side up) and backwards (which remains backwards). In doing so, all actors move backwards, spit out food, fall up, etc. I instructed the kids to run around backwards so that they would appear normal, except William who was only two years old so ran normally and thus appeared backwards in the final film. I messed up on shooting titles so they needed to be fixed in post.