Facing the Music
HD Video, 48 seconds , colour, 2012
This piece of 16mm film shot in 2010 when Erik Sirke was working for me at the university. For some reason, we cut a hole into a piece of cardboard (which is still lodged on top of my shelf) and I wore it like one of those faceless people that you have your picture taken with, but this one was otherwise unlabeled and portable. I think I expected a wider shot where the world surrounding the cardboard could be seen, but Erik shot it all close. The film was black and white and hand processed. I shot it off of the flatbed screen and didn't colour correct for the warm tungsten glow. As a result, it looks like I'm a gilded statue. I wanted something obtuse for the musical score and went into the Adobe Soundbooth scoring program and pulled the wedding music which I then manipulated for the video. VIDEO