Geography 423/823 – Theoretical Geomorphology

Term Assignments, Winter, 2000

Essay 1 – Synthesis of the Assigned Readings

For each of the readings, describe

  1. The theory or concept(s) that the author(s) introduce or address.
  2. The treatment of the theory or concept(s). It the paper a review or contain new ideas? Do the author(s) test theory using observations (empirical data) or do they derive theory from first principles?
  3. How do the concept(s) discussed represent a departure from previous theoretical understanding of geomorphic systems and landscape evolution?
  4. What is the contribution to the discipline of geomorphology?

DO NOT submit a separate description of each article. Rather synthesize your summaries by grouping like articles. That is, organize your essay according to theories and concepts.


Essay 2 – Demonstrate some deductive reasoning.

In a short essay (less than 10 pages), apply deductive reasoning to the explanation of some landform, landscape or geomorphic activity. The dimensions of your study can range from local (slopes, channels) to continental (tectonic landforms) and instantaneous (catastrophic events) to millennial (landscape evolution), but the time and space scales will determine the relevant conceptual framework. Discuss the relevant concepts and theory and how they provide an universal explanation of the geomorphic phenomena.

Grading: 20% per essay

Deadline: April 17, 2000