Geography 423
Advanced Geomorphology

Scientific Basis of Geomorphology


Characteristics of a scientific discipline

  1. philosophy
  2. methodology
  3. theory
  4. techniques
  1. fieldwork
  2. lab work
  3. remote sensing and GIS
  4. quantitative techniques

The nature of scientific activity

Scientific reasoning

Scientific versus non-scientific

Relevant Laws And Principles Of Physics

source: Davidson, D.A. 1978. Science for Physical Geographers. John Wiley & Sons

Newtonian physics: work, power, energy, force, stress and strain



strength (S)





Distribution of energy: the laws of thermodynamics

First law of thermodynamics

Second law of thermodynamics


Applications of thermodynamics to geomorphology

Yang, C.T. (1972) Unit stream power and sediment transport. Proc. ASCE: J. Hydraulic Div., 98(HY10): 1805-1826

law of average stream fall
under dynamic equilibrium, the ratio of the average fall between any two different orders of streams in the same basin is unity

law of least rate energy expenditure
during the evolution towards its equilibrium condition, a natural stream chooses its course of flow so that potential energy expenditure per unit mass of water along this course is a minimum

The Mathematical Basis of Geomorphology

Applications to Geomorphology

  1. Arithmetic

  2. Geo-Trig

  3. Algebra

    linear functions

    non-linear functions

    1. power functions: y = xn
      • y = x2 , a parabolic function describes the cross-sectional form of a glaciated valley (Graf, '76)
      • allometric growth (versus isometric or constant change)
        • change as a function of form and size (scale dependence)
        • e.g. stream bed slope is a power function (increasingly decreases) of drainage area, whereas meander wavelength is a linear function of channel width irrespective of drainage area (i.e., it is isometric)

    2. logarithmic functions: y = logax
      • fall sorting on talus slopes: partcile size = log (distance from top of slope)
      • the phi-scale of particle size: PHI = -3.32 log D
      • negative log makes phi positive for small (i.e., common) particle sizes
        • the range of diameters (D) in each particle size class gets increasingly larger with increasing particle size, but the more important particle sizes are the smaller ones
        • logarithmic scales suppress the range of large values (e.g., high stream discharges), enabling the display of smaller values (particle sizes or low flows)
        • the following table gives the range of diameters (mm) and phi values for four particle sizes

        size class D phi
        boulder > 256 mm < - 8.0
        pebble 64-4 mm - 6.0 to -2.0
        medium sand 0.5 - 0.25 mm 1.0 to 2.0
        medium clay 0.00195-0.00098 mm 9.0 to 10.0

    3. exponential functions: y = ex, where e is the natural logarithm (2.71828...)
      • describes rates of decay of radioactive isotopes, growth of stream networks, decline of hillslopes, longitudinal profiles of graded streams

    4. trigonometic: y = sinx, y = cosx, y = tanx or y = sin-1x (inverse; y is the angle)
      • gravitational forces
      • rise = d sin(slope angle), run = d cos(slope angle), where d is the surface distance

    5. polynomial equations: e.g, y = ax2 + bx + c is a quadratic polynomial
      • fitting curves to landscapes; the number of inflections in the curve is the largest exponent minus one (e.g. a cubic polynomial is the equation of a curve with two changes in direction)

  4. Calculus: solution of non-linear functions

    integration (integral calculus)

    differentiation (differential calculus)

  5. Probability and statistical relationships

    empirically-derived relationships


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