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My Mind has a mind of its own



My mind has a mind of its own and my brain is a mystery to me.

Thoughts that I think would embarrass a shrink and I wonder:

Why do I think what shouldn’t be thought?

Why do I think what I know I should not?


Living my life inside of my head is confining, cramping, and quite time consuming.

My brain gets remarkably slippery with babble

and noisy with jibberty-jabberty gabble.

I get lost in myself and forget how to live

in a now that has so much to give.


The trick to the peace of mind that is there, is not to expect, want, or judge

to be dumb but not stupid, and to let words pass on by

like the trace of a line left by a fly.


Try to see a tree as a tree and not something else and

see a person as unique- without need to fix- or get involved in ego conflicts.


Without opinions, without needs-

let go of words that pop up like weeds.

Shake off lost baggage and wishes not realized,

No need for melancholy or dream worlds idealized.

Be present in reality where positives and negatives don’t exist

in a perspective-less world, one must persist.


Be conscious of consciousness and in acceptance go

deep into breathing where essences flow.

Enter the now and a time that is timeless

and let no thoughts obscure our sameness of heart,

so love can endure and forgiveness impart.

When mental meandering ceases to be,

anxiety decreases and one is set free.

by Darrel Scott Lawlor