Calculus Resources

Here are some links to pages which might prove interesting or useful throughout the semester...

The calculator required for Math 26L is the Texas Instruments TI-83. This is a powerful and versatile graphing calculator. The TI-83 site contains a good program archive and many classroom activities.

Calculus Books
The textbooks required for this course are written by Hughes-Hallett, et al. The publishers have developed web sites to supplement their books. If you are interested, take a look... Calculus Online
Finally, some other calculus sites from around the web. If you stumble onto any other sites that you think might be useful to us, please send me the URL. Other Pertinent Links
Here are links to some web pages referred to in class. Support your classmates!
Here are some links to activities your classmates are involved with. Please support them. Other Math 26L Sections
Here are the other instructors who are teaching Math 25L this semester.
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Michael Kozdron