Sociology 318
September 13, 2002
Examples of theoretical frameworks schematic diagram
1. Marx’s theory of capitalism – middle two paragraphs of Tucker, p. 95
a. Assumptions
development of exchange and markets
self interest of individuals
monetary system
workers do not have ownership of means of production
human labour capable of producing a surplus
b. Concepts
abstract labour
socially necessary labour time
c. Statements or propositions
"a commodity’s exchange value, or price is directly measured by the amount of labour embodied in it."
"The worker is paid her full value as a commodity, for which she receives a sufficient wage to reproduce herself as a laborer."
d. Logically connected statements
Sentences of first paragraph connect to each other in a logical manner.
The following contains several logically connected statements and propositions:
"The worker is paid her full value as a commodity, for which she receives a sufficient wage to reproduce herself as a laborer. Yet the laborer produces more wealth than is necessary for the cost of subsistence."
e. Formats and models
Each of the first and second paragraphs constitute a format or scheme and the two paragraphs together form a theory or model of exploitation.
f. Hypotheses and predictions
These are not stated in the two paragraphs but one hypothesis could be that reducing socially necessary labour time reduces profit.
Another hypothesis is that workers receive sufficient wages to reproduce themselves.
Marx later develops hypotheses about how workers can get increased share – through trade unions, legislation, etc.
Predictions of Marx include continual revolutionizing of the means of production and industry.
g. Policy and practice
Legislation to limit working day.
Formation of trade unions.
Proletarian revolution and socialism.
2. Durkheim’s social solidarity and social change – first two paragraphs of Tucker, p. 129
a. Assumptions
traditional and modern societies and development of markets
individual and personal differences
b. Concepts
mechanical solidarity
traditional or common consciousness
division of labor
organic solidarity
collective conscience
c. Statements or propositions
"In this type of solidarity the common consciousness is strong and individuals are similar to one another, sharing the same beliefs and ideas."
d. Logically connected statements
sentences of each paragraph follow logically
e. Formats and models
The first paragraph is a format or scheme and the two paragraphs constitute a model of society, social solidarity, and social change.
f. Hypotheses and predictions
Traditional consciousness religious and fundamentalist
Modern consciousness secular
Society allows greater room for individual differences
Changed legal system – restitution rather than punishment
g. Policy and practice
Legal systems of modern societies are restitutive
Educational and other social policies connect individual and society
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Last edited September 15, 2002