Sociology 250
October 2, 2002
Capitalist Economics
Study of alienation in 1844
combines philosophic-historical approach
labour and material roots of alienation
beginnings of study of political economy
1848 revolutions – Marx goes to Germany and then settles in London
embarks on extensive study of British industry and economic writings
continues journalistic and political work
1859 – Grundrisse – Foundations of political economy
1867 – Capital – Critique of political economy but is a detailed historical and theoretical study of emergence and development of capitalism
1. labour theory of value
surplus value
2. study of historical development of capitalism
capitalist and worker – historical conditions
dispossesion of peasants and creation of original fortunes – primitive accumuln
capitalist dynamics – expansion, economic crises, declining rate of profit
3. praise for capitalism
most productive system in human history
creates incredible wealth
could produce plenty for all, which earlier systems could not
revolutionizes means of production
self-generating expansion – accumulation
sweeps away all previous systems and forms of production
4. but – promise not fulfilled
poverty instead of wealth
unemployment and bankruptcy
deforms worker and distorts and denies humanity
separation of mental and manual labour
5. replacement with proletarian revolution and socialism
Labour theory of value – see "Capitalist Economics" Adams and Sydie, pp. 129-31
commodities – goods and services that are traded or bought and sold
use-value or usefulness of commodity – always existed in goods and services
exchange-value – created by trade or exchange
contradiction between these two an exchange-value comes to dominate
value of commodities – exchange in proportion to labour required to produce
all are products of human labour
present or living labour and past or dead labour
development of markets leads to
wider exchange
expansion of use of money
capital and its self-expansion
source of surplus-value is human labour
labour is productive in transforming nature – use of land and raw materials
labour produced a surplus throughout history
eg. pyramids, palaces, cathedrals of precapitalist period
labour as useful activity and labour-power as commodity
capitalist buys labour-power or ability of worker to work
worker works extra hours for capitalist
products sold for a profit – surplus-value and profit
form of surplus from human L is changed
absolute and relative surplus value
longer working day – capitalist attempts to impose these on worker
change means of production
cheapen subsistence – food, clothing, housing
intensify work – Taylorism and scientific management
new technology – organize production more efficiently
produce more with same human labour
accumulation – self-expansion of capital
capital extends itself to new markets, new products, new regions
globalization – beginnings with merchants and traders
domination of society by markets and commodity exchange
contradictions in capital accumulation
crises – periods of boom and bust in economy
recessions and depressions
falling rate of profit threatens capital accumulation
creates a larger working class that Marx predicts will overthrow capitalism
useful way of looking at production
struggle over working day – between employer and worker
expansion of markets and forces of globalization today
society dominated by market exchange and capital accumulation
Last edited on October 3, 2002
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