Sociology 211 – Fall 2004

First midterm examination

11:30 – 12:20, Wednesday, October 6, 2004


Note:  Answer each of the four questions – within each question you have choices.


1.  Short explanation (9 points).  Briefly define or explain the significance of three (3) of the following for the study of ethnicity and multiculturalism.

majority group

B and B Commission

Citizenship Act

ethnic/status honour


melting pot

imagined community

framing by media

involuntary groups


2.  Compare and contrast (16 points).  Briefly explain the similarities or differences among the concepts in two (2) of the following lists.


3.  Quotes (10 points).  Select one (1) of the following quotes and explain the meaning and significance of the statement.  Also attempt to state the source of the quote.


4.  Paragraph (15 points).  Write a paragraph or two critically discussing one (1) of the following topics.