Sociology 211

December 6, 2004


Attitudes about multiculturalism


From the Survey of Student Attitudes and Experiences 1998.  This was a survey of seven hundred plus University of Regina undergraduates in the Fall semester of 1998.  The survey was conducted as part of the Social Studies 306 class, Applied Research Methods – Quantitative Approaches.  Students in the class took the fourteen page questionnaire to classes and students in the classes completed the questionnaire.  There was a cross section of undergraduates, with reasonable representation in many of the characteristics we were able to check against enrollment figures at the University. 


The responses below are student responses to the question “What does multiculturalism mean to you?


Schematic diagram for Expression aspect of multiculturalism


Condition (288)

Process/Activity (50)

Cultures (57)


Relationship (67)


allow (8)









form (5)

create (8)

blend (6)

combine (18)

incorporate (4)


integrate (9)





variety (3)

diverse (12)

distinct (5)

separate (4)

division (2)




practice (12)

retain (5)

express (7)

maintain (7)






coexist (13)

get along (5)


exist (10)

bring together (4)

put together (4)

consists of (2)

present (2)

composed of (4)

live/live in (60)

made up of (14)




  come together (14)

function (3)

live together (63)


mixture (13)

experience (5)

interact (23)


peace (14)

harmony (8)

cooperate (4)




  equality (15)

freedom (5)

rights (3)


no (5)

without (10)




work together (35)

contribute (3)

participate (2)

involved in (2)

join (2)

share (15)











Product (45)

whole (5)

union/unity (11)


melting pot (10)                  mosaic (10)            not assimilation (4)

                                            Canada (5)



Note:  Numbers in brackets indicate the number of times each word was mentioned by student respondents.  From Gingrich (2003).








Images of multiculturalism


Source: Survey of Student Attitudes and Experiences 1998.  University of Regina.