Math 241 - Calculus III
Spring 2012, Section CL1

Midterm 3



Material covered


Practice exam

Here is Practice Exam 3 and solutions. Note that the real exam will not include section 16.7, such as problem 10b on the practice exam.

Review problems

In addition to WebAssign problems, other HW, worksheet problems, and the practice exam, some review problems at the end of each chapter can be very helpful. Here are questions that are relevant to the material that was covered.

Conflict exam

If you have a conflict with the exam time, please consult the university policy on evening midterm exams. Based on that, if you think your situation qualifies you to take the conflict exam, please contact me as soon as possible, no later than Friday April 6.

The conflict exam will take place on Friday April 13, 7:30-8:30 AM, room 100 Gregory Hall.


Advisory curve

Here are cutoffs for letter grades, where a score greater than or equal to the cutoff gets the corresponding letter. For simplicity, this advisory curve ignores pluses and minuses. They correspond respectively to the top part and bottom part of each range.
88 A
76 B
64 C
52 D
Median of sections AL1, BL1, CL1: 78%.