The midterm covers everything from the beginning of the semester up to (and including) the lecture on Monday October 21.
Problems will be somewhat similar to the homework, practice problems, and the practice exam.
Here is a practice midterm as well as solutions.
For additional practice, here is an old midterm. Ignore Problems 3c, 10 and 11, which are not covered on our midterm. Solutions will not be posted.
For yet more practice, look at the Review sections at the end of each chapter in the textbook. Here is what our midterm covers.
The conflict exam is on Thursday October 24, 7:30 - 9:30 PM, in room MC 106. You must request the conflict exam no later than Wednesday October 16 if you want to take it. To do so, please email me, and you will receive additional information.
Here are solutions to the midterm.
Here are solutions to the conflict midterm.